Ahhh, I love where I live. 68 degrees yesterday and snow tonight. Yay Rochester for keeping us on our toes!
So, how did you enjoy your evening last night? I contemplated calling in sick and getting in a nice long run, but figured my boss would see right through it, so, like a good girl, stayed until 4:30 then headed out to enjoy! Purely by chance, one of my friends from high school and I had decided to meet up, grab coffee, and hit the Webster bike path for a catchup session.
I haven't seen Jonathan in about six years, so the 3 mile walk only scratched the surface, but it was great to laugh and see a friendly face from the past.
Now, lest it be one of those "what have you been doing since 2006" predictable reunions, of course, we ended up debating paper vs. plastic, (as a bookstore owner, he is firmly in the paper camp, obviously), communication, the context of relationships, and our obsession with "stuff" as a general population.
No, I did not spike the coffee.
Clearly, we are terrible with the normal standards of conversation.
And I'm quite good with that.
So, let's talk about "stuff".
The meat of our chat came from his new blog...inaugural post went up on Sunday, so I would say that epitomizes new! No lame jokes over there....yet (give it time, people). Rather, a thought provoking post on what we, as human beings, value most-in terms of material assets.
Yep, we're back to the age old question..."If your house was on fire, what would you save?". Even though we've probably all been asked some variation of that question, I think it's a fun one to revisit from time to time...not only does it tell you where you're at in terms of what you value in your life, but it also gets at what you feel defines you in terms of "stuff".
By the way, for all intents and purposes, we are assuming that anything that can run on it's own will rescue itself (dogs, cats, your s.o., any child over the age of, oh, let's say 8).
What would you save?
Our theory was that most people would save their laptop, Ipad, or something equally "expensive" (yes, for all us triathlete crazies that would ride our Cervelos out of the fire, that counts).
Me? I go for the nostalgic. The stuff I couldn't replace. I'm sure I have some important files in my hard drive, but there are some things that can't be replaced.
My Ironman medal (the first one, unless I could grab all my medals!)
My treasure chest full of notes/memento's from high school, pictures, old prom tickets, and love letters from old boyfriends and the current one (that I married :-))
Our wedding album.
That's what I'd save. Of course, all three of these are in different rooms, but hey, this is a theoretical fire, right? I can make up my own rules!
Wonder what the hubster would save...more than likely, my cat would come out with canned tuna on her back to do rescuez :-)
What would you save? What has the highest value (to you) in your house? What isn't "just stuff?"
Kinda strange what pops into your mind, isn't it?
So, how did you enjoy your evening last night? I contemplated calling in sick and getting in a nice long run, but figured my boss would see right through it, so, like a good girl, stayed until 4:30 then headed out to enjoy! Purely by chance, one of my friends from high school and I had decided to meet up, grab coffee, and hit the Webster bike path for a catchup session.
I haven't seen Jonathan in about six years, so the 3 mile walk only scratched the surface, but it was great to laugh and see a friendly face from the past.
Now, lest it be one of those "what have you been doing since 2006" predictable reunions, of course, we ended up debating paper vs. plastic, (as a bookstore owner, he is firmly in the paper camp, obviously), communication, the context of relationships, and our obsession with "stuff" as a general population.
No, I did not spike the coffee.
Clearly, we are terrible with the normal standards of conversation.
And I'm quite good with that.
So, let's talk about "stuff".
The meat of our chat came from his new blog...inaugural post went up on Sunday, so I would say that epitomizes new! No lame jokes over there....yet (give it time, people). Rather, a thought provoking post on what we, as human beings, value most-in terms of material assets.
Yep, we're back to the age old question..."If your house was on fire, what would you save?". Even though we've probably all been asked some variation of that question, I think it's a fun one to revisit from time to time...not only does it tell you where you're at in terms of what you value in your life, but it also gets at what you feel defines you in terms of "stuff".
By the way, for all intents and purposes, we are assuming that anything that can run on it's own will rescue itself (dogs, cats, your s.o., any child over the age of, oh, let's say 8).
What would you save?
Our theory was that most people would save their laptop, Ipad, or something equally "expensive" (yes, for all us triathlete crazies that would ride our Cervelos out of the fire, that counts).
Me? I go for the nostalgic. The stuff I couldn't replace. I'm sure I have some important files in my hard drive, but there are some things that can't be replaced.
My Ironman medal (the first one, unless I could grab all my medals!)
My treasure chest full of notes/memento's from high school, pictures, old prom tickets, and love letters from old boyfriends and the current one (that I married :-))

That's what I'd save. Of course, all three of these are in different rooms, but hey, this is a theoretical fire, right? I can make up my own rules!
Wonder what the hubster would save...more than likely, my cat would come out with canned tuna on her back to do rescuez :-)
What would you save? What has the highest value (to you) in your house? What isn't "just stuff?"
Kinda strange what pops into your mind, isn't it?
Isn't that kinda like the age old question, "If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you want with you?" Time to go think about a theoretical fire!! Thanks.