Happy Monday, webbies! How was everyone's weekend? We finally met the new neighbor....a nice guy who relocated from California to be closer to his family in New York. I think he appreciated the cupcakes...at least, I didn't get them thrown back in my face. Score :-). We spent a little bit getting to know each other, and I think he's gonna fit in just fine in the 'hood. As soon as he saw the hubster and I, he goes "Oh, so you're the runners and the triathletes, huh?" Word travels fast :-P I promised him we were pretty normal. Yeah, I lied. First impressions and all, ya know? pssshhh.
Moving on. Aside from a broken washer (yup, that's two appliances in less than a month) and some lower leg pain, along with the stupid sinus infection I can't shake, the weekend was just ducky.
And I finished week 2 of my Half and Half training (HIM and half marathon!) And since I know you are all just dying to know the intimate details of my training life, I thought I'd do a weekly run down of the good, bad and ugly over the next 16 weeks. (Yeah, you got me. I just want to have a place to ruminate. But really, isn't that true of all of us bloggers?)
One step at a time.
Here's week #1:
Swim yardage: 4000 (3 swims)
Bike miles: 70 miles (3 rides)
Run miles: 12 (2 runs-1 being a race)
Strength: 90 minutes (2 full body workouts, one just core)
Week high: my bike test. If I can get over myself and back in the aero bars, I'm gonna kick this HIM's butt.
Week low: Johnny's. Ugh. Too sick. Too slow (for me). Couldn't breathe. Poop.
Week #2:
Swim yardage: 5100 (2 swims)
Bike Miles: 73 ( 3 rides)
Run miles: 16 ( 3 runs)
Strength: 1 PT session (comp!), 1 full body, one core (2 hours)
Week high: The personal training session. Rob at the DFC found upper body muscles I forgot existed. Hurt so good.
Week low: Yesterday's 8 mile run. Let me 'splain.
It was misting. And about 50 degrees. In my opinion, perfect long run stuff. I slept well, was ready to go, and albeit a lingering pain on the outside of my right calf (does anyone know what the eff this is? It's driving me bonkers!), I was ready to go. New play list, new route, let's rock it!
Hmm, not so much. Maybe the secret to a successful long run is not wanting to go in the first place? Who knows. About 2 miles in, I just didn't wanna anymore. My leg hurt. (Okay, really on a scale of 1-10 it was a 4...I would stop if it was bad. promise.) My nose was stuffy (I did get good at blowing rockets). My music wasn't cutting the mustard. And I was having issues with hills.
Okay, time out. I live in the damn country. Hills are what I know. And I was having issues with baby hills, not even the good ones. Lame. At the halfway point, I took a quick walk break (more on this later)and reassessed. If I turned left,I could cut it short. If I kept going straight, I would get my 8. I wasn't having fun. I didn't want to run anymore. But...as you all know me by now...I trucked on. Something about HTFU or some other such sadistic thought, I guess.
Then...I saw this guy. Holy mother. I haven't run this course in a long long time, and I forgot about this hill. It's about a half mile long...gradual incline for the first half, then probably about a 12% grade for the second. My heart sank. I immediately thought....no one can run up this thing. And I feel like crap.
Now I know what you're thinking. I felt defeated thenI tapped into my inner Ironman and conquered that b*tch.
Not so much.
I ran for a few minutes, then walked for 30 seconds, then ran to the most ridiculous part, and power walked up the rest.
And it sucked.
But I got over it, and on with my run. And I finished. Maybe not as fast as I liked, but I'll chalk it up to a $hit run.
Next time, I'll know better when plotting out my run course.
And I'll run that sucker again.
And again and again.
Until I can run the whole half mile.
Because, really, it's not all rainbows and sunshine when it comes to training. Sometimes, it just plain sucks. And you gotta pull on your big girl (or boy) panties and get your butt through that run. Ya feel me? Overcoming resistance. I know it's gonna make me stronger at mile 10 of Musselman :-D
Goal for week #3....not have my low point be my run. Heh. And to get in 3 full body strength sessions, core included.
Keep me accountable, people! What's your workout or life goal this week?
Moving on. Aside from a broken washer (yup, that's two appliances in less than a month) and some lower leg pain, along with the stupid sinus infection I can't shake, the weekend was just ducky.
And I finished week 2 of my Half and Half training (HIM and half marathon!) And since I know you are all just dying to know the intimate details of my training life, I thought I'd do a weekly run down of the good, bad and ugly over the next 16 weeks. (Yeah, you got me. I just want to have a place to ruminate. But really, isn't that true of all of us bloggers?)
One step at a time.
Here's week #1:
Swim yardage: 4000 (3 swims)
Bike miles: 70 miles (3 rides)
Run miles: 12 (2 runs-1 being a race)
Strength: 90 minutes (2 full body workouts, one just core)
Week high: my bike test. If I can get over myself and back in the aero bars, I'm gonna kick this HIM's butt.
Week low: Johnny's. Ugh. Too sick. Too slow (for me). Couldn't breathe. Poop.
Week #2:
Swim yardage: 5100 (2 swims)
Bike Miles: 73 ( 3 rides)
Run miles: 16 ( 3 runs)
Strength: 1 PT session (comp!), 1 full body, one core (2 hours)
Week high: The personal training session. Rob at the DFC found upper body muscles I forgot existed. Hurt so good.
Week low: Yesterday's 8 mile run. Let me 'splain.
It was misting. And about 50 degrees. In my opinion, perfect long run stuff. I slept well, was ready to go, and albeit a lingering pain on the outside of my right calf (does anyone know what the eff this is? It's driving me bonkers!), I was ready to go. New play list, new route, let's rock it!
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Use your imagination-I don't do pictures on runs :-) |
Okay, time out. I live in the damn country. Hills are what I know. And I was having issues with baby hills, not even the good ones. Lame. At the halfway point, I took a quick walk break (more on this later)and reassessed. If I turned left,I could cut it short. If I kept going straight, I would get my 8. I wasn't having fun. I didn't want to run anymore. But...as you all know me by now...I trucked on. Something about HTFU or some other such sadistic thought, I guess.
Then...I saw this guy. Holy mother. I haven't run this course in a long long time, and I forgot about this hill. It's about a half mile long...gradual incline for the first half, then probably about a 12% grade for the second. My heart sank. I immediately thought....no one can run up this thing. And I feel like crap.
Now I know what you're thinking. I felt defeated then
Not so much.
I ran for a few minutes, then walked for 30 seconds, then ran to the most ridiculous part, and power walked up the rest.
And it sucked.
But I got over it, and on with my run. And I finished. Maybe not as fast as I liked, but I'll chalk it up to a $hit run.
Next time, I'll know better when plotting out my run course.
And I'll run that sucker again.
And again and again.
Until I can run the whole half mile.
Because, really, it's not all rainbows and sunshine when it comes to training. Sometimes, it just plain sucks. And you gotta pull on your big girl (or boy) panties and get your butt through that run. Ya feel me? Overcoming resistance. I know it's gonna make me stronger at mile 10 of Musselman :-D
Goal for week #3....not have my low point be my run. Heh. And to get in 3 full body strength sessions, core included.
Keep me accountable, people! What's your workout or life goal this week?
Life goal - try to get out of Syracuse! I am in way over my head! But, if you still want to head out on Sat, let me know!!!!!!!!! (because I am pretty sure that there are no refunds and I will have to show up anyway!).