No groceries today...just a nice day at home with a trainer ride (rockin out the 2 hour rides now-woot woot), some house cleaning, and snuggles. With my new love. My fire.
I've had my toy now for two weeks and took it on a 5 day business trip, so I figure it's time for a lil review....paper (traditional books) or plastic (kindle)?
Let's talk history.
Back when digi-readers came out, I stuck my nose up at them. Big time. Who wants to pay $75-$200 for a digital "pad" when you can get books out of the library for free? I thought. Plus, there's no way that reading from a computer screen is as satisfying as turning the pages of a book, snuggled up under blankets, with a mug of tea. Nope. I'm good.
Then people started praising them. Big time. I listened, but wasn't sold. Fine, i thought. Maybe if you travel alot, it makes sense to save some room in your suitcase. I get that. But still, how can you justify dropping $10-$15 on a digital book, when you can get paperbacks (which are actual SUBSTANCE) for cheaper? Hmmm.
Well, when I found out the number of days I was going to be on the road this year, I looked again. The hubster is part of a sharing network online, so he told me he could get the books for cheaper...and I started to really peruse. He found an awesome deal on a Fire (which I had decided on...may as well get the Internet, too, right?) and the sealed the deal. My valentine delivered my kindle fire, complete with 12 of the latest best sellers on my must read list, 2 weeks before my 5 day road trip to NC and DC. One I wrestled away the "Angry Birds" addict, it was mine...all mine to play with!
And, after testing it out both at home and on the road, here's what I think:
1. The convenience can't be beat. It's portable (fits in my purse), stays charged for 8 hours, and you can switch from reading to checking email to updating your status anywhere there is free wifi.
2. It's easy to maneuver, even for a dummy like me (I am not god with gadgets). You can change the font size, background, etc., with the touch of a button.
3. It holds quite a bit! Right now I've got about 15 books, 2 movies, and a few dozen apps on it. More functional than a book-plus you can load the magazines you are subscribed to on it as well, which, again, is awesome for traveling.
4. I read even faster....this is lame, but it amuses me that you can just touch the screen to turn the page. I finished my first book in 90 minutes. Clearly, I need more authors!
1. No page numbers. I know that's kinda dumb, but it's nice to know what page you're on....there's a function that allows you to see how far, percentage wise, you are into the book, but it's not "psychologically" as satisfying (yep, I'm laughing at myself, too.)
2. You can't bring it EVERYWHERE. Big fan of bubble baths. Big klutz. I think I'll save paper editions for that one :-P
3. You do need to recharge it. I've never had a book run out of batteries on me....yet.
And...I'm sure there are more for both sides. Bottom line? I adore it. And for someone so resistant to buying one, that's something. I'll never trade in my paper library, but until those suckers are on the dollar table at my libraries book sale, digital works for me!
Do you have an e-reader? What do you think?
Let's talk history.
I've had my toy now for two weeks and took it on a 5 day business trip, so I figure it's time for a lil review....paper (traditional books) or plastic (kindle)?
Let's talk history.
Then people started praising them. Big time. I listened, but wasn't sold. Fine, i thought. Maybe if you travel alot, it makes sense to save some room in your suitcase. I get that. But still, how can you justify dropping $10-$15 on a digital book, when you can get paperbacks (which are actual SUBSTANCE) for cheaper? Hmmm.
Well, when I found out the number of days I was going to be on the road this year, I looked again. The hubster is part of a sharing network online, so he told me he could get the books for cheaper...and I started to really peruse. He found an awesome deal on a Fire (which I had decided on...may as well get the Internet, too, right?) and the sealed the deal. My valentine delivered my kindle fire, complete with 12 of the latest best sellers on my must read list, 2 weeks before my 5 day road trip to NC and DC. One I wrestled away the "Angry Birds" addict, it was mine...all mine to play with!
And, after testing it out both at home and on the road, here's what I think:
1. The convenience can't be beat. It's portable (fits in my purse), stays charged for 8 hours, and you can switch from reading to checking email to updating your status anywhere there is free wifi.
2. It's easy to maneuver, even for a dummy like me (I am not god with gadgets). You can change the font size, background, etc., with the touch of a button.
3. It holds quite a bit! Right now I've got about 15 books, 2 movies, and a few dozen apps on it. More functional than a book-plus you can load the magazines you are subscribed to on it as well, which, again, is awesome for traveling.
4. I read even faster....this is lame, but it amuses me that you can just touch the screen to turn the page. I finished my first book in 90 minutes. Clearly, I need more authors!
1. No page numbers. I know that's kinda dumb, but it's nice to know what page you're on....there's a function that allows you to see how far, percentage wise, you are into the book, but it's not "psychologically" as satisfying (yep, I'm laughing at myself, too.)
2. You can't bring it EVERYWHERE. Big fan of bubble baths. Big klutz. I think I'll save paper editions for that one :-P
3. You do need to recharge it. I've never had a book run out of batteries on me....yet.
And...I'm sure there are more for both sides. Bottom line? I adore it. And for someone so resistant to buying one, that's something. I'll never trade in my paper library, but until those suckers are on the dollar table at my libraries book sale, digital works for me!
Do you have an e-reader? What do you think?
Let's talk history.
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