I'm BAACKKK!!! Feeling much better, thank you very much. I would like to blame my idiocy on working out in the sleet for several hours, the unpredictable Rochester weather, work stress, and other life stress for my 24 hour bug. No, really....I enjoyed a day of nothing, probably way too much :-D
But now, onto our regularly scheduled programming, folks. It's almost Easter (if it snows here on Sunday, by goodness, I really AM relocating!) and I am super excited for a fun filled weekend with cookie making, brunching with the polish relations, and then doing dinner with my lovely new family (yep, the hubsters. They rock my socks off because not only do they accept me, but they also bring my small but mighty family right into the fray! YAY!)
Before the sugar coated madness of the weekend, the hubster and I decided to spend a little time together tonight
because the Sabres aren't playing because we like to have fun date nights. And what's more exciting to a frugal foodie than making a fun dinner together? I give you the Glaser wonton creations!
I got a coupon from Nasoya a few months ago for a really sweet deal on any of their products, and
these intruiged me. But what to do with them? We decided to throw culture out the window and mix asian with mexican with italian with rando veggies and create a wonton feast :-)
On the Menu: black bean wontons, sausage wontons (for hubs) and sweet tater wontons (alll mine!)
Lets say it with pictures, no?
Assemble your ingredients |
Enlist a helper! |
fill your wrappers! |
seal with egg wash, then place another wraper on top! |
Pretty crimps with a fork! |
Sweet potato filling (with cinnamon and maple syrup) |
Hubster in action! |
different style wrapperz-single folded |
Eat leftover filling! |
Pop those suckas in the oven at 400 for 8 minutes! |
mmmm....some got a bit browner than others :-) |
Serve with some dippin sauce and veggies!!
Awesome date night, yay!!
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