Well, CLEARLY that April Fool’s Post was a big fat fail. Glad everyone knows me so well. Shoulda gone with the surprise, we’re pregnant post!! ….nah.

So, OBVIOUSLY I am so not hanging up my sneakers. I still am a bit unsure about my plans for 2011 post Musselman, but stay tuned as I figure it out. Or at least try to.
This weekend has been busy and fun in my neck of the woods. Workout wise, yesterday I rocked the socks off of the Musselman Half Iron course on the computrainer, taking 10 minutes off my previous best time, and averaging 19.3 miles per hour, which is my dream goal race pace. I feel pretty good about this, as the computrainer makes the course WAY harder than in real life (I swear, there are make believe hills on this course, lol).
Today, I laced up my sneaks for my first post marathon run. I did get yelled at (and Kim, I love you to bits and you’re right. I probably shouldn’t have run 10 miles) but I really enjoyed this run. I tried to take it easy (big fat fail time wise, lol) and enjoyed the beautiful, WINDY sunshiney 50 degree day. 10 miles = 1:27:43. 8:43 pace. Way to take it easy, killer. Oops.
Onto the meat of the weekend. This is my very favorite weekend ever. Yes, I am a huge dork, but the hubster and I (and many other webster-ites) circle a random Saturday in March or April on our calendar and wait for it like kids on Christmas Morning. Every year, my mom’s friends Pete and Diane Bowers hold their annual “Right and Left Bowers” Euchre tournament = 10 games of Euchre in one night, 64 people, twice as many appetizers and desserts (we extended the workout window big time to accommodate that one!) and 6 hours of ridiculous fun!! I won’t drivel on anymore…the pics speak for themselves!….
Ed and Mom...this guy is the funniest man EVER |
a perfect hand! (Yeah we planned that) |
Greg and Jim..who just ran the LA marathon 2 weeks ago! |
Mom and I kickin a little butt...yeah we won that round with 11 points! |
Funniest table ever....don't be fooled by the innocent looking Santa! |
Nancy and I...love this woman!! |
Me and the hubster...post sippy cup :-P |
A lotta Steele's and Stacey too :-D |
The score is 8 TO 2!!! Thanks Jerry ;-P | | | | | |
Don't worry, we made up! Excellent new friend of the night :-) |
Well, I think that says it all! Great friends, great food, great night...not so great cards :-) Even though we didn't win anything (I came just 2 points close!!) we had a great time. until next year, Bowers!!
I do wish there were more people around to play Euchre though...back in high school, I played every day (cause thats what the cool kids did, yo) and I really miss it. Anyone out there play, or is it just a New York thang?
I don't play euchre, but it was a big deal in Michigan when I was in HS there.
ReplyDeleteIt was one of the top 3 highlights of my HS career! Not just a NY thang!! We play here in Virginie too!!
Nuttin' that organized or fun though around here!! I'm jealous!
ReplyDeleteI'll play euchre with you but you have to teach me how to play! (it's definitely a NY state thing.. I had never even heard of it until I moved here. I used to play pitch in high school all the time and I think they are kind of similar).