Saturday, April 9, 2011

And when the going gets tough

The tough get their tushes onto thy bike and bust out 50 miles!!

Woah, what a full day.  We woke up early and enjoyed some pancakes with Jennifer (much easier on the tummy than Bill Gray’s! ), showered, and took a walk around the neighborhood.  She got to meet Vinnie, our neighbor, who knows EVERYONE (I swear< I think I am going to make friends with an Eritrean and introduce him to Vinnie so we can hear stories about Africa Open-mouthed smile).  After that, we drove up to Fairport to walk along the canal, take some pictures, go to the Pittsford Wegmans (of COURSE we did) and then the Public market.  We got to hang out with Dad Glaser in Fairport, and met up with Jeff, my brother in law, and my niece and nephew at Weggies.


I still find it highly amusing that a grocery store trumps all here, but I think it did sort of overwhelm Jennifer.  I mean, we all know that its important to have  access to 40 different kinds of OJ, right? Smile with tongue out

After weggies, we headed to the train station and waited for her 2:00pm train.  Although it was short, it was fun-can’t wait to see you again, cuz!!!


By the time we got home, at lunch and got situated, it was almost 4pm.  Yikes.  I stared at my training plan and hoped somehow that the mileage would morph to, say, 20 miles….no dice.  So what did I do?  I amped up with Y&R, peanut butter toast, and called it a mental breakthrough workout.  Broke it up into 10 mile segments, stood up and pedaled every 15 minutes, and gutted it out.  I kept thinking…I could quit….but I know somehow this will benefit me for Musselman…Chesman….(well, and hubster laid claim for his 70 mile ride on the trainer tomorrow, so I have little choice.) Open-mouthed smile


The Workout

50 miles, Eagleman course (flat as hell….but I’m ok with that.  Hills are next week!)

Time:  2:37:35

Pace:  19.0


And now it’s time to watch the Sabres hopefully win the last game of the regular season.  Sorry, they can’t all be winner posts, folks!





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