15 miles on deck. Not happening. When I saw the nonsense of 30 miles an hour wind, I rethought the running tights. Then I looked out the back door:
Yeah...that's our backyard. There is a shed back there.... Can you see it? Me neither. As much as I enjoy a run, I thought it might be better to table till tomorrow when I wouldn't be running backwards. We all have our smart moments :-D
Instead, I enjoyed 40 miles on the bike and some Y&R. The last 15 miles were pretty turrrible, the computrainer decided to bite it, and then I couldn't recalibrate, so I spun basically up a hill for the last 45 minutes. Then, I got a flat. All I could think was...Please let this happen just now and spare me on race day!!
The Workout:
40 miles EZ pace
Time: 2:05:41
Pace: 19.1
Other than the technical difficulties, it was a pretty rockin time. Cain got shot, Daniel found out Victoria's and Billy's baby is really his, and Diane is now sleeping with the 'staches son, Nick (this would be after she slept with his dad last week, and then him the week before....). Now I just need to learn to stay in the zone when the madness hits in Genoa City...I just get too excited :-P Oiy. I love my boring life!!

What? I'm carb loading for my long run tomorrow :-)
Twas a great time with some scrap booking (I have a pretty epic present I'm making, waiting until the finished product to post!), chatting, and fooood.
With my ice cream baby belly all full, its time for some foam rolling, stretching, and chillaxing...tomorrow its the 15 miler and then "Valentine's Day!"
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