Hey there, kiddos! Ready for the long weekend? I so freakin am. We have a few plans....biking the rail trail at Keuka Lake tomorrow with my cousins, and swimming and having a picnic. Then on Sunday we're gonna have the family over for a BBQ-yes, I know it's technically not Labor Day, but we're a strange breed ( you guys knew that though :-D). So, with some fun times ahead, today was a tie up the loose ends kind of day-not much else going on. We have a huge project hitting the books next week, so our team has been scrambling this week trying to get crap done. So, I don't have much fun to tell you. But, with the "season" almost done around casa Glaser, I've been telling you how I've not felt like much of a triathlete lately. I shared this with the huz the other day and he just snorted and said "Listen to yourself sometime, babe. You're totally a triathlete". So I did. And realized within 48 hours....that even when you take a season off....you can take the girl outta the triathlon, but you can't take the triathlete outta the girl. How do I know this? Just look at my ridiculousness in the last month...once again, it's time for a "confessions" post....
Confessions of a Triathlete, Part IV
1. After you've done 2 Ironmans...whats next? Another Ironman? An ultra marathon? A double Ironman? Hmmm. Well, I'm no there yet, but I am thinking about a new Iron distance (plus) in Penn Yan, NY next year.....just to be different, the RD is tacking on an extra .2 on the bike and calling it "steel" cause steel is harder than Iron....yep, just call me a race junkie. It's cool Check out Peasantman 140.8!
2. My idea of a fun double date..... Rev 3 Cedar Point Iron Distance 2014. One of my tri friends is convincing her other half to do it, so now we're plotting to get hubs to do the 70.3. Isn't that everyone's idea of fun? Weekend double date? No?
3. Everyone at work is pulling me aside to find out what I know about the Lance Armstrong debacle and what my opinions are.
4. Hubs and I are going on vacation to Maine in October. Of course, you all know that the first thing I did was google races. Someone tried to tell me that a vacation is a week off where you rest and have fun, not sweat in a race. Does not compute. Isn't vacation synonymous with a race? No? It is for me :-)
5. Friday Dress down at work = last weekend's race t shirt. I'm quite sure I really don't own any real clothes other than work clothes and workout clothes. I suppose I could spent $50 on some nice summer casuals. But then again, I could do a sprint tri, half marathon, or a few 10k's for that $50 as well. Hmmm.....that's an easy decision :-P.

7. Saturday night's hot date involves compression sleeves and ice. And no, compression sleeves is not a code term for "bedroom toys".
8. I took 2012 off from "racing". With that said, I've done two half marathons, a sprint, an Olympic, and a half ironman. Face palm. And I still maintain it's an "off year". Probably because there was no 26.2 or 140.6 Wow. I need help
Ahhh, yep. Still a tri-nerd. And that's A-Okay by me!
ReplyDeleteLOL!! Yes, Im still in for 2014 Cedar Point. If my honey agrees to continue to hold his bargain