So today, I got over myself and just did the effing marathon. Why wait till Saturday? Not ONLY that, but I set a PR!!
And broke the course record!
In 1:22:xx!
Oh wait. I was on a bike. Crap. Just call me Carlos
Big shout out to the “hubster” as he has self-identified in the comments section, for mapping out the National marathon Course on the computrainer for me to ride today. I got to “see” where the hills are (mayjah hillage from mile 4-6 and the damn course finishes UPHILL…yowza!) Otherwise, it was a great ride-I maxed out on speed in the course at 26.2 (coincidence, I think not!) and then topped off the two hour ride with a flatter course for a total of 39 miles, an average of 19.5 mph, which rocks, since I kept 90% of the ride at an easier pace. I really wanted to keep going, but I do suppose I should at least try to taper
While riding, I decided that once and for all, I need to solve my indoor training problem (oh, FYI-stop reading here unless you are a cyclist or promise to love me regardless of what comes next? mmm-kay? Thanks!)
Where was I? Oh yes, indoor training problem. You see, I really want to learn how to be a bada$$ and pee off the bike during an Ironman or HIM, but since I ride indoors most of the time (a car accident will do that to ya), I don’t relish peeing on my floor and then riding for the next 4 hours. So what’s a girl to do?
For only $39.95 (plus shipping and handling…..) I need….

A POTTY PATCH!!! I’ve seen the super duper infomercial for these babies, and I am convinced there could be money in a spin off (har har) for triathletes and cyclists. Much like the pet owner that doesn’t want to go out in the cold or lives in a high rise, this was we won’t have to STOP the bike ride, most likely climb stairs, to pee!! C’mon, who’s with me? (ok, ok. I know. I’m only kidding.)
I do hear though, if I call IN THE NEXT 15 MINUTES….
Order now and we'll upgrade your Potty Patch to our super plush anti-microbial grass with double the blades, a $60 value, FREE! And that’s not all, you’ll also receive the Bonus jumbo pet bath towel! You pay just $4.95 processing and handling.
Oh wow. That grass is probably fresher than my lawn! Who could resist?
Ok, enough with the potty jokes. At least Roo (my lil kitty) didn’t lay a big stinky in her litter box at mile 5 during my rides like she usually does today.
She waited till mile 6.
Potty mouth.
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