Ahh Geneseo. Sometimes I miss you. Amazing how SNL jeopardy is just as funny sober, though.
Ok, so I didn’t run THAT far, but I did end up running to Websta today for my last long run. It was a great run, save for the crazy wind that we blowing east…and I was going West and North.
Oh well, we do what we have to

The Workout
Distance: 11.34 miles
Time: 1:40:34
Pace: 8:52
Awesomesauce. I really wasn’t even pushing it, which just rocks my world! When I got to Mom’s, I raided her super full fridge and had a nice little spread for lunch. Then we hopped over to Target (yes, in my compression tights and nice sweatiness-I’m a girl, ya know

All I need to do is pack, finish my play list, get through 4 days of work, and 2 20-30 minute runs and ITS TIME!!! Woo hoo!!
Other randomness of the day:
I managed to set my running shirt on fire and melt it when I tried to dry it off by my mom’s stove (no I wasn’t wearing it). I’m a dummy. It “USED” to be light urple! Just call me Turd Ferguson.
Had a nice time hangin out with my mom. We had some hot hot hot tea(no Ricky Martin), and the poor thing had to be rescued by my neighbor after she fell in my entryway

And now, it’s time or a date with butch. It’s not foreign flicks, but it’ll do……just no more potent potables

I'll take SWords for $1000...