Holy shcnikees! (Yes, I know that’s not a word). Well, if today wasn’t the day to end all days, I don’t know what is. The highlights are I got a great blow off steam swim in during lunch (2200 yards with 4x400 descending) and then a wicked bike in after work (26.5 miles with hills in 1:20…basically super human speed for me!).
The low”lights”….well, just trust me on this one. We don’t need to go there.
You know what we need? Beer. And carbs. Says the woman who hasn’t had a drink since….ohhh…my wedding. I drank the champagne. Somehow, it was red in all of our photos. It was probably really kool-aid.
Moving on.
If you are anything like me and enjoy your alcohol in girly form, beer might not appeal to you straight up. S’ok. We can use it for other things…and I’m not talking about a magical hair rinse, either. (Seriously, who does that? Does your hair not reek of beer after you use it?)
Nope, we are going to combine two very very fine things together. Alcohol and carbs to make…beer bread! This bread is super easy, a great bread for sammies, soup dunking, french toast making, and only takes two (yes you heard me) 2 ingredients!
Easy Peasy Beer Bread
One 12 oz can Beer (any kind, I used oh so classy Genny)
2 cups (give or take) bisquick (I used heart healthy. I know…I think I’m funny, too)
Scoop the bisquick into a medium size bowl. Add beer. Stir into a nice batter (you might have to add a bit more mix…You want a sticky dough). Let rest in a warm place for about 10 minutes. set oven to 350 degrees. Spray some pam into a bread pan, plop your dough in, and bake for 55-60 minutes. I le it broil for an extra minute to get a nice brown top.

Voila. Confession. I made french toast out of this and let my hubby eat it for a pre-race breakfast. he PR’ed by 2 minutes. I’m just sayin’.
Mmm….carbs. And beer. I’m happy. The husband’s happy. Now ho wants to win the lottery for me and solve the rest of my problems?
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