Well, yes, yes I did, but that’s just part of the story!
So, even though it rained like a mother in upstate NY today, 20 was on my list of things to do, so off I went. Even though it was damp and gloomy, it was almost 50 degrees, so I got to “test” my marathon gear out. Shoes, check. Capri tights, check. IMLP visor, check. I also tried out the GOTR shirt they sent me….super comfy tech shirt, but someone please tell me why anyone would make a shirt for a marathon in WHITE? (I would post a pic, but this is a family blog. Sorry). So….need to find a bright sports bra I think so I don’t show my unmentionables at the finish line! Thoughts?

It’s actually bright pink, think it might look cool with my color scheme! Unfortunately, Target only had XL and XXL. Bummer. Need to shop around
So…the run. I have to say for the most part, it went great! I felt pretty awesome for the first 10 miles, took in my nutrition every 5 miles along with some propel (dried cranberries and fruit leather and a gu all together), my tummy was doing well thanks to this little secret. (No, I don’t endorse these, but they are awesome insurance to have during a long run or long race. See “The oikos 5 miler” for more details. Or, better yet, just trust me on this one!) I also credit my pre run brekkie of oats, naners, and pb. Great combo.
I got a little tired miles 15-20, which is pretty normal, so I implemented a decent run/walk strategy and kept myself to the pace I wanted to hold. Then I encountered my nemesis at mile 18. Nope, it didn’t have 4 wheels this time. Or even 2. Or a motor. But it did honk….
WTF?? Yes, a friggin’ band of geese chased me down the road at mile 18. Where’s a car to scare them away when you need one? LOL I think they were trying to help me finish strong. Thanks, guys. Even if you scared the bejeezus out of me!
But finish strong I did!
The Workout
Distance: 20.09 miles
Time: 3:03:08
Pace: 9:07
Awesomesauce. Now, if I can just hold that pace for another 10k, we are all set! I feel a bit better knowing that the terrain I am running now is much hillier than the course, so now its time to taper (well, I have a 15 miler next week, but other than that) and get ready for the big day!
After the run, I stretched, foam rolled, compression socked it up and then went out with the hubs for some well deserved grub. We have a favorite restaurant in Penfield called Pattaya that serves up phenomenal thai food wicked fast and decently priced. I got the ginger chicken, which is chicken breast,fresh veggies, fresh ginger and ginger sauce, and a side of brown rice.
mmmmmm…amazing! Yup, its all in my belly now, though I did use chopsticks to slow down. Got my first test as a blogger when the waitress saw me snapping pictures of my food. She thought I liked the pretty colors…well, I do, of course, but I told her that I write a blog and she thought that was pretty neat I was crazy, probably. Hey, that’s how I roll!
Well, I would say it was a pretty honkin’ successful day. And that’s all I got. Have a wonderful night!
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