Yay, it's the weekend! How's everyone doing? It's been a weird day here in western NY...sunny one minute, snowing the next, and ranging from 25 and windy to 38 and sunny. Strange, strange. I pulled the inner wuss card and renegged on my long run, pushing it to tomorrow. Instead, I did a tempo 30 lime ride on the trainer to the Musselman course and watched some crazy soap opera tapes from during the week. (Yeah, I rocked the VHS. No judging).
I also started packing for next weekend...next Saturday I fly to Charlotte, NC to be at my besties baby shower (can't wait!) then hop a plane to DC on Sunday for a 3 day work conference, then fly home Wednesday night. Whew. world traveler (for me). And while I'm excited (can't wait to see my Charlotte friends and my DC friends and go to a coll conference), I'm a bit bummed to leave the hubster for 5 days (girls, hands off! :-D) and I'm getting into my ridiculous type A pack mode where I throw everything on the bed in the spare room then pack and re-pack 700 times. First and easiest on the agenda? Toiletries!
Well, it's easy for me. I'm flying 3 times in 4 days, so I needs to be prepared for TSA (ahh, the lovely pat downs). And of course, the 3 oz. rule. Seriously, who has body lotion in a 3oz or less container? Well. I do. Lots of 'em. And they aren't all hotel freebies, but they were all free :-D See, I'm the kinda crazy cat lady thrifty shopper who trolls the Internet to score free stuff (or super duper cheap!) and then, come travel time, am good to go! I've got face wash, toothpaste, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, gel, lotion, contact solution, deo, and mini makeup samples...all free and TSA approved :-) Going on a trip in the next few months? Check out these sites!
Walmart.com-head to "free samples". You can usually get decent size samples of body wash, shampoo, etc., if you fill out a short survey.
Cereal.com: Subscribe to their newsletter, and every Friday, you'll get a email with the weeks freebies. Some are lame, where you have to fill out a bunch of information and do some "offers", but some are easy peasy. I just scored a suave "hair kit" for free...dry shampoo, mousse, shampoo and conditioner, all in 1.5 oz bottles. Sweet.
Startsampling.com: The mother load. There is a whole section on the home page for free samples, and also an entire forum dedicated to where the crazy coupon trollers have found free samples (I want to be these people when I grow up!). I've gotten anything from a book of kashi coupons for 4 free products to free cat food on this site. Good thing my kid isn't picky!
Redplum.com: This is a great site for coupons, recipes, AND freebies! They also do weekly contests for gift cards for places like walmart, target, etc.
viewpoints.com: Probably my favorite. Sign up to be a member and agree to review your product (a 5 minute commitment at most!) and they will send you oodles of coupons for freebies. My most recent coupon-a free box of shredded wheat, then 5 extra coupons for 1.50 off a box. Combine that with a BOGO sale...awesome. Ahem, sorry. They also do health and beauty coupons, though only about half are travel sized.
And as a last resort...head to the dollar store and pick up some clear containers to store your full sized stuff in. I still prefer the freebies, though :-D Happy hunting!
I also started packing for next weekend...next Saturday I fly to Charlotte, NC to be at my besties baby shower (can't wait!) then hop a plane to DC on Sunday for a 3 day work conference, then fly home Wednesday night. Whew. world traveler (for me). And while I'm excited (can't wait to see my Charlotte friends and my DC friends and go to a coll conference), I'm a bit bummed to leave the hubster for 5 days (girls, hands off! :-D) and I'm getting into my ridiculous type A pack mode where I throw everything on the bed in the spare room then pack and re-pack 700 times. First and easiest on the agenda? Toiletries!
Walmart.com-head to "free samples". You can usually get decent size samples of body wash, shampoo, etc., if you fill out a short survey.
Cereal.com: Subscribe to their newsletter, and every Friday, you'll get a email with the weeks freebies. Some are lame, where you have to fill out a bunch of information and do some "offers", but some are easy peasy. I just scored a suave "hair kit" for free...dry shampoo, mousse, shampoo and conditioner, all in 1.5 oz bottles. Sweet.
Redplum.com: This is a great site for coupons, recipes, AND freebies! They also do weekly contests for gift cards for places like walmart, target, etc.
viewpoints.com: Probably my favorite. Sign up to be a member and agree to review your product (a 5 minute commitment at most!) and they will send you oodles of coupons for freebies. My most recent coupon-a free box of shredded wheat, then 5 extra coupons for 1.50 off a box. Combine that with a BOGO sale...awesome. Ahem, sorry. They also do health and beauty coupons, though only about half are travel sized.
And as a last resort...head to the dollar store and pick up some clear containers to store your full sized stuff in. I still prefer the freebies, though :-D Happy hunting!
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