Hello, my name is Rae and I like to pretend sometimes that I am a grown up.

So, as I am playing out my little grown up fantasy duties, nothing gets me more annoyed than being booted right back to high school, without the benefit of the 'rents paying the bills and getting summer vacations!
By high school, in this sense, I mean game playing, which sadly, is really rampant in my life right now. The most popular game? telephone. Ever play it? It goes something like this.
Start out with person A telling person B something completely legit, then person B tells person C something just a bit off....well, by the time you get to the tenth person, you've just turned your message from something like "Joan's got the job finished up" to "Don't stop the clock, it's all dumb luck" or insert whatever you want.
Welcome to my world lately. Everywhere. Maybe it's something in the season....it's not a full moon, but since the kiddos are off, we grown-ups need to play "back to school" somehow?
Thanks, but next time, I think I'll just grab a juice box and have my afternoon nap, thank you very much. Wait, they don't do those in school anymore? Then I want recess :-). Yeesh.
The best part of this game is trying to figure out how to react to this sort of nonsense. Usually, I just stay the hell out. Lately, in order to entertain myself and to annoy the hubster a bit less with my b*tching, I have decided to just jump right in and play.
But rather than going further down the chain, I add in my own twists....like holding the two broken ends of the phone and telling both sides exactly what they want to hear-I call it the bobble head syndrome. Maybe this isn't the smartest idea, but it is amusing :-D.
I think I just need caller ID. Just kidding, Drew, you know I love you to pieces.
How do you deal with game playing in your life? Do you just move along or jump right in and play the game?
* Note to my lovely readers....I'm not talking about any of you. Trust me :-)
I attempt to ignore most everything or I would be even more off center than I am now.