Wednesday, August 10, 2011

a 50/50 deal

Win some, lose some.
WINNER:  Seeing an old friend last night for the first time in 6 years.  Shooting the breeze for hours like time never stopped.  Awesome.  I love all my friends, but the ones that knew me “back when” are so special because we can pick up right where we left off and they know me so well.  Perhaps, sometimes, too well Open-mouthed smile .  Great to see you Dave!

LOSER:  Waking up this morning and seeing angry clouds and torrential downpours on the day of my 6 hour brick.
WINNER:  Powering through an awesome 60 mile ride and hitting the first half hour of my 2 hour run feelin’ amazing (like 8:30 pace amazing!)
LOSER:  Yet another torrential downpour at mile 3 of the run, dodging a crazy car, tripping over a rock, and doing a face plant on the gravel filled side of the road.

Fug.  (And my hands look just as bad….and my tights are dead Sad smile).  I might power through in a race, but I headed home, defeated.  Now, 2 hours later, I think I’ve gotten most of the gravel out.
Now I’m just a bit grumpy, as the workout was really kickin’ it, but I do suppose there are worse things then being sidelined on a rainy afternoon.  Especially since tonight is the SYTYCD finale!

Yeah, I know that was from last year. So sue me.  Go Melanie for season 8, but Robert is still my man Smile

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