Hi friends, Welcome to Friday AND Part III of "How to Play for Less". Catching up? Check out Part I and Part II!
Today I thought I would focus on something everyone can relate to....having fun on the weekend!
Again (just in case you missed the memo), It's Friday. The weekend. 48 hours of no work (for most of us). But..if you're like most people, you don't get paid every week (I get paid bi-monthly) and today is NOT payday. Does that mean you have to stay home all weekend and have no fun at all? NO! (Now, ok, ok, I'm a homebody. But sometimes I like to get out, too!) So, here's the deal. You have $20 in your pocket that can get you a fun night with your sweetie and/or friends. Where can 20 bucks get you nowadays? Well, here are a few fun, thrifty date afternoon/night ideas on a budget....
1.Embrace Nature. Right now in western NY, it is a perfect time to enjoy the season. It's not snowing (yet!), and the weather is perfect for hiking, mountain biking, and going for a nice long walk. The hubster and I like to take off on the canal for a few hours with our camel backs and snacks in a backpack and just shoot the breeze-stopping for a coffee and cookie along one of the shops lining the canal. There are also several State Parks within an hour or so from us....the gorges at Letchworth and sights at Stoneybrook are breathtaking! (One of these activities is on our agenda tomorrow....not sure which!) We usually swing by the store and pick up some BBQ supplies and smores to enjoy, and take the day to reconnect.
2. Dollar Store Date Night: This takes some creativity and trust in your partner! Hit the dollar store with ten dollars and split up. Each person buys 5 different things to constitute a fun date night, and then take turns with each other's "themes". Last time the hubster bought bath salts, a pouf, lotion and a few other goodies. I thoroughly enjoyed being pampered that night (No people, get your minds out of the gutter. It was a MASSAGE. Sheesh!)
3. Hit the Library. No, you don't have to be a book nerd, I promise. But the library has other goodies...like movies. Especially those old black and white movies that seem to take you to a simpler, more glamorous time. Grab a few movies (hello Casablanca, Citizen Kane, The Godfather!) and swing by Walmart for popcorn and a few other treats, and you've got yourself a snuggling, thrifty date night. (The hubster and I are working through this list....lots of goodies, and laughs, too!)
4. Be a kid again. Bust out the old Monopoly set or a puzzle and work your cranium (lame joke) as well as having fun! We actually bought Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders at Walmart for 3 bucks each and have a blast playing. Nope, you're never too old. besides, it's good practice for down the road :-D
5. Check out Online Deals. Groupon (national), RochesterforLess, Rochester Perks, Deal Chicken, etc. are AMAZING for cheap entertainment. The hubster and I buy dinners for half off, massages, pedicures (ok, that's just me), and holiday themed activities (9 dollars for 2 for a corn maze, hello!) The only catch- check your expiration dates and don't let those babies go to waste! On tap for this weekend...A Thai feast courtesy of Aja Noodle. I bought one, and so did three other people I referred...so it's a free dinner. Can't beat that!
6. Have a Pot Luck Party. The hubster and I adore entertaining. But boy that stuff can get expensive!! A quick fix? Ask people to chip in! We do well visiting the dollar store and stocking p on 20 bucks worth of cups, napkins, plates, and snacks....digging out the cards and video games....and inviting a dozen people over, asking them to bring a snack to pass. An evening of fun, done thriftily. And usually with leftovers. And a messy house. But thankfully my other half helps :-D7. DIY Spa Night. With the girls...or even your significant other! Walmart has great face masks, massage oil, and scrubs for super cheap. I like to buy dollar nail polish, baby oil, and Epsom salts for a cheap fix. Epsom salts in the tub, baby oil moisturizer, and a pedicure to boot :-) Need a DIY spa scrub? Combine a cup of sugar, a drop of almond oil, and plain ole body wash. Mix together to create a wonderful exfoliator for your elbows, feet and knees. Perfect!
While some of these ideas might be pretty basic, they are all decent times without spending alot of $$. My money's all about the outside stuff for now though, before the snow flies!! What are your plans for the weekend?
Today I thought I would focus on something everyone can relate to....having fun on the weekend!
Again (just in case you missed the memo), It's Friday. The weekend. 48 hours of no work (for most of us). But..if you're like most people, you don't get paid every week (I get paid bi-monthly) and today is NOT payday. Does that mean you have to stay home all weekend and have no fun at all? NO! (Now, ok, ok, I'm a homebody. But sometimes I like to get out, too!) So, here's the deal. You have $20 in your pocket that can get you a fun night with your sweetie and/or friends. Where can 20 bucks get you nowadays? Well, here are a few fun, thrifty date afternoon/night ideas on a budget....
1.Embrace Nature. Right now in western NY, it is a perfect time to enjoy the season. It's not snowing (yet!), and the weather is perfect for hiking, mountain biking, and going for a nice long walk. The hubster and I like to take off on the canal for a few hours with our camel backs and snacks in a backpack and just shoot the breeze-stopping for a coffee and cookie along one of the shops lining the canal. There are also several State Parks within an hour or so from us....the gorges at Letchworth and sights at Stoneybrook are breathtaking! (One of these activities is on our agenda tomorrow....not sure which!) We usually swing by the store and pick up some BBQ supplies and smores to enjoy, and take the day to reconnect.
2. Dollar Store Date Night: This takes some creativity and trust in your partner! Hit the dollar store with ten dollars and split up. Each person buys 5 different things to constitute a fun date night, and then take turns with each other's "themes". Last time the hubster bought bath salts, a pouf, lotion and a few other goodies. I thoroughly enjoyed being pampered that night (No people, get your minds out of the gutter. It was a MASSAGE. Sheesh!)
3. Hit the Library. No, you don't have to be a book nerd, I promise. But the library has other goodies...like movies. Especially those old black and white movies that seem to take you to a simpler, more glamorous time. Grab a few movies (hello Casablanca, Citizen Kane, The Godfather!) and swing by Walmart for popcorn and a few other treats, and you've got yourself a snuggling, thrifty date night. (The hubster and I are working through this list....lots of goodies, and laughs, too!)
4. Be a kid again. Bust out the old Monopoly set or a puzzle and work your cranium (lame joke) as well as having fun! We actually bought Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders at Walmart for 3 bucks each and have a blast playing. Nope, you're never too old. besides, it's good practice for down the road :-D
5. Check out Online Deals. Groupon (national), RochesterforLess, Rochester Perks, Deal Chicken, etc. are AMAZING for cheap entertainment. The hubster and I buy dinners for half off, massages, pedicures (ok, that's just me), and holiday themed activities (9 dollars for 2 for a corn maze, hello!) The only catch- check your expiration dates and don't let those babies go to waste! On tap for this weekend...A Thai feast courtesy of Aja Noodle. I bought one, and so did three other people I referred...so it's a free dinner. Can't beat that!

While some of these ideas might be pretty basic, they are all decent times without spending alot of $$. My money's all about the outside stuff for now though, before the snow flies!! What are your plans for the weekend?
These are great tips! My husband and I love breaking out the old board games on weekends and even random week nights.