Last night, I had a plan. A 5 point plan, if you will:
1. Unwind from work (conference presenting)
2. Go for a run
3. Read some contracts for work
4. Blog
5. Eat a sensible dinner and engage in some hubby and me time
Well, we know how those 5 point plans. Let's just say it turned into a 1 point plan...sacking out on the couch and watching the future of our country go down the tubes. Yikes.
Nonetheless, I bounced back today, got a crap ton of work done, did that run, and pulled out my binder ofwomen ideas for some blog action. Since my thoughts on politics are dubious at best, my running is a snoozefest, and between work traveling, life and some health issues life is a mess....I thought I would talk about the one thing that's been my saving grace in the last few weeks....good ole fiction.
Because why woldn't you want to climb into someone else's life for a day? hear, hear. Commence the periodic meeting of the TFB book club...otherwise known as....what have I been reading lately (and by lately, I literally mean at 2am. Not kidding on the stress thing). So, here's the new 5 point plan. Much like a political plan, it contains 80% fiction.
1. "Game of Thrones": George R.R, Martin Okay, I'll admit right off the bat that this one took me about a month to read. I kept switching between Thrones and a litany of other books. It's really well written and very engaging, but not an "easy" read-in terms of the fact that you really need to pay attention. the characters switch quite a bit, no one has a pronounceable name, and there are about 5 different story lines going. with that said, the writing is excellent. Lord of the Rings meets The hunger games meets Braveheart, in my onion. The story line deals with rulers in a medieval society that battle it out for power across family ties, betrayal, and secrets. The TV show was adapted from the first few books ( I think he's written 5 books total) and up next is "Dance with Dragons". I'm on it.
2."The Time Keeper" by Mitch Albom Love this author. I read "Tuesdays with Morrie" a zillion years ago and fell in love with his ability to tie a decent story line in with touchy feely emotive content that is relevant to....well, almost everyone. Reconciling faith with living. The five most pivotal people that had an impact on your life. You get my drift. In this novel, Albom focuses on the concept of time though Father Time' eyes...what it means to us, how we misuse it, and how we concurrently wish for more of it (immortality) and less of it (suicide attempts). It's a quick read, only about 150 pages, but one of those books where you come away with a new appreciation for your life when you've finished. Definitely recommend.
3. " A Casual Vacancy" by J.K. Rowling - Even though I was a senior in high school when Rowling released her Harry Potter series, you can bet that I read all seven of them as they were released. The stories were good, easy to read (I would hope so!) and a nice break from reality. Literally. This newest book is.....different. It's definitely not meant for kids, and while HP took us into a world of make believe, this novel brings us to the stark reality of what the world is: a clusterf^&ck of classicism and interpersonal problems. Still, as always, Rowling has the ability to bring her characters alive and transport the reader into her world, so I have to give her points for that. I would recommend it, but only to someone who is NOT on vacation or easily agitated/depressed.
4. "Where we Belong" by Emily Griffith. One step above Danielle Steel and one step below Jodi Picoult in terms of content, I turn to Emily Griffin when I want some substance but don't want to throw the book across the room at the ending (Picoult). This story dealt with the age old teen pregnancy issue-but in a slightly different way. The teen mother gave the child up for adoption..but never told anyone that she was even pregnant, aside from her mom. So the Father had no clue. And, of course, the kid shows up on their 18th birthday to find her birth parents.....fill in the blanks. The book was pretty predictable, but well written and had good character articulation.
5. "Killing Kennedy" by Bill O'Reilly. I'm actually in the middle of this one now, so full review upcoming. I as a big fan of "Killing Lincoln" and this book seems to follow suit. I think there is a bit less mystery about the Kennedy assassination (most of the adult world was around for it, wheres no one still alive now was around for Lincoln) and with King's 11/22/63, alot of the history has been recently discussed. However, O'Reilly has a great voice and I'm a sucker for historically based books. Doesn't take much.
So there's my 5 point plan. Fully explained. Take that, politicians :-P
Read anything good lately? What should I pick up next?
1. Unwind from work (conference presenting)
2. Go for a run
3. Read some contracts for work
4. Blog
5. Eat a sensible dinner and engage in some hubby and me time
Well, we know how those 5 point plans. Let's just say it turned into a 1 point plan...sacking out on the couch and watching the future of our country go down the tubes. Yikes.
Nonetheless, I bounced back today, got a crap ton of work done, did that run, and pulled out my binder of
Because why woldn't you want to climb into someone else's life for a day? hear, hear. Commence the periodic meeting of the TFB book club...otherwise known as....what have I been reading lately (and by lately, I literally mean at 2am. Not kidding on the stress thing). So, here's the new 5 point plan. Much like a political plan, it contains 80% fiction.
1. "Game of Thrones": George R.R, Martin Okay, I'll admit right off the bat that this one took me about a month to read. I kept switching between Thrones and a litany of other books. It's really well written and very engaging, but not an "easy" read-in terms of the fact that you really need to pay attention. the characters switch quite a bit, no one has a pronounceable name, and there are about 5 different story lines going. with that said, the writing is excellent. Lord of the Rings meets The hunger games meets Braveheart, in my onion. The story line deals with rulers in a medieval society that battle it out for power across family ties, betrayal, and secrets. The TV show was adapted from the first few books ( I think he's written 5 books total) and up next is "Dance with Dragons". I'm on it.

4. "Where we Belong" by Emily Griffith. One step above Danielle Steel and one step below Jodi Picoult in terms of content, I turn to Emily Griffin when I want some substance but don't want to throw the book across the room at the ending (Picoult). This story dealt with the age old teen pregnancy issue-but in a slightly different way. The teen mother gave the child up for adoption..but never told anyone that she was even pregnant, aside from her mom. So the Father had no clue. And, of course, the kid shows up on their 18th birthday to find her birth parents.....fill in the blanks. The book was pretty predictable, but well written and had good character articulation.
5. "Killing Kennedy" by Bill O'Reilly. I'm actually in the middle of this one now, so full review upcoming. I as a big fan of "Killing Lincoln" and this book seems to follow suit. I think there is a bit less mystery about the Kennedy assassination (most of the adult world was around for it, wheres no one still alive now was around for Lincoln) and with King's 11/22/63, alot of the history has been recently discussed. However, O'Reilly has a great voice and I'm a sucker for historically based books. Doesn't take much.
So there's my 5 point plan. Fully explained. Take that, politicians :-P
Read anything good lately? What should I pick up next?
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