In light of the nonsense that is the presidential debates, though, I bring you Matchstick post #3....
Quote from book: "Time out! Time Out! We can call that, right?"
Quote from book: "Time out! Time Out! We can call that, right?"
The Great Debate
As the teenagers trouped into the classroom, they were greeted with strange site. Instead of a neat row of desks, there were two podiums that were poised in the front of the room. The desks were arranged to face the podiums in a semi-circle design, with ten desks in three rows. "The Great Debate" was written on the chalkboard. Green and yellow crepe ribbons festooned the front of the classroom, reflecting pride in the display of the schools colors.
Ms. Abrahams, their social studies teacher, ushered the kids in, encouraging them to take a seat at any desk. As the bell rang to signal the beginning of the period, Ms. Abrahams rapped a gavel on one of the podiums and brought the class to attention.
"Class", she began "It's almost time for one of the most time honored traditions in America. The right to choose our leaders-election day".
The class sat silent, unconvinced at their teacher's enthusiasm. ms. Abrahams outlined the process that defines the first Tuesday in November in the Untied States, and why it was so important to exercise the right to vote-especially every four years when determining the leader of our nation.
"But Ms. Abrahams", Charlotte stated, "we're only 14. We can't even vote for another 4 years!"
"Well, that's about to change, Charlotte", the teacher revealed. "Today, we're going to elect a new class president!". The class stirred with interest. "Now," the teach continued, " I need nominations for two candidates. Who would like to start?"
Andy, the class clown, nominated himself. His girlfriend, giggling like a hyena, seconded the nomination. Charlotte nominated her best friend Sienna, the smartest girl in their class.
Ms. Abrahams gave instruction to both candidates, asking them to select a running mate for assistance in the process, and then gave the class their homework-tomorrow would be the "great debate". Both candidates were taxed with preparing two points for a "platform" to stand on- one on class events and one for a class project.
"Tomorrow", the teacher turned to the rest of the class, "the rest of you will be our constituents. You will listen to the candidates as they debate, and then cast your vote at the end of the period. I will moderate the debate. After you cast your vote, you will need to write a review of the debate, due next Thursday." As the bell rang, the class filed out, abuzz with the change from the standard lecture that they had come to expect from World History.
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The Great Debate was on. After watching the presidential debate and the Vice President debate for homework in the past week, the class sat on the edge of their seats, waiting for the mud slinging to begin. The teacher began asking the candidates questions, and Sienna was clearly more prepared, articulating her plans for the winter dance, the class trip, and her plan to institute a contest involving loose change in order to raise money for the local children's hospital.
Andy waffled in his own grandiose plans of asking Dave Matthews to come sing at the the school dance, and of going to Maui for the class trip. As Sienna began to question the feasibility of his plan, Andy turned bright red, not anticipating the brutal cross. "Time Out! Time Out!" he yelled. "We can call that, right?" He turned to his running mate as the teacher rapped the gavel, signaling a close to the debate.
She asked the class to cast their votes for who they thought the better candidate would be for class president. The class quickly voted-the winner was an obvious choice.
The resulst were in the next day-aside from two votes, Andy had won the election. After all, since when were elections based in reality or legitimate promises?
Note: This is one of those..."writing is easy...sit at a desk with a computer until drops of blood form on your forehead" things. The words just did not come with my idea on this one. But it is an exercise, nothing more. Thanks for reading.
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