With six days left until Thanksgiving, I think it's time for my annual post on my love/hate status with the holiday. I'm quite sure I've talked about it before, but Thanksgiving is a deep source of both love and hate for me. Odd? Maybe. Hear me out.
In the past, I've expressed a loathing for what this day has represented to modern day America. Traditionally, a day of thanks, yes (well, I suppose if you go back to the heart of the matter, it's traditional celebrating stealing land day), but ahem. In our rosy history books, it is a day to give thanks for what we have, both in terms of family, health and the ability to provide.
It really has gotten away from that nowadays.
To me, Thanksgiving has been a representation of:
1. A huge meal that takes hours to prep and is a big hassle in the kitchen, complete with yelling and screaming. Fun.
2. An orgy of food, food, food. The object of the day: Eat and watch football.
3. A gateway to the main attraction: Christmas. he plotting of Black Friday shopping. The talk of Christmas lists. The freaking CHRISTMAS MUSIC in the stores already. AHHHH!! I love Christmas as much as anyone (probably more) but, come on!
So, in light of that, over the past few years, I've worked hard to create my own holiday traditions to make the day a bit better.
Each year, the hubs and I do the Turkey Trot. (This year, we'll do our own family trot-I love love love racing, but with 5,000 people on a jammed suburban street, I lose my good humor).
My Aunt has been kind enough to host the holiday, so I don't have to fling stuffing and insults with my mom while trying to pep the meal. (Instead I make some yummy side dishes and fling stuffing at the table like a kid. Hey, somethings don't change). We laugh, joke, and all come together to make the meal, serve it, do the dishes, and catch up.
And I've noticed a great trend this year on facebook that I've gladly taken part in....my wall is filled with status updates of people giving thanks for something each day of November. Call it silly social media, call it meaningless fodder, but I think it's pretty awesome. And it makes me smile every time someone takes 30 seconds out of their day to remember why they are blessed in life.
For me? This list is endless, but I am so thankful for the things that matter most. Family. Friends. Family that ARE my friends. Laughter. The ability to have a place to sleep, eat, work, and play. The ability to run. To bike, swim, and move my body any way I like. To have a snuggly cat that thinks I'm the greatest thing since canned tuna (most of the time). And to have found the love of my life and a best friend all at once.
Happy Count down till Thanksgiving! What are you thankful for this year?
In the past, I've expressed a loathing for what this day has represented to modern day America. Traditionally, a day of thanks, yes (well, I suppose if you go back to the heart of the matter, it's traditional celebrating stealing land day), but ahem. In our rosy history books, it is a day to give thanks for what we have, both in terms of family, health and the ability to provide.
It really has gotten away from that nowadays.
To me, Thanksgiving has been a representation of:

2. An orgy of food, food, food. The object of the day: Eat and watch football.
3. A gateway to the main attraction: Christmas. he plotting of Black Friday shopping. The talk of Christmas lists. The freaking CHRISTMAS MUSIC in the stores already. AHHHH!! I love Christmas as much as anyone (probably more) but, come on!
So, in light of that, over the past few years, I've worked hard to create my own holiday traditions to make the day a bit better.
Each year, the hubs and I do the Turkey Trot. (This year, we'll do our own family trot-I love love love racing, but with 5,000 people on a jammed suburban street, I lose my good humor).
My Aunt has been kind enough to host the holiday, so I don't have to fling stuffing and insults with my mom while trying to pep the meal. (Instead I make some yummy side dishes and fling stuffing at the table like a kid. Hey, somethings don't change). We laugh, joke, and all come together to make the meal, serve it, do the dishes, and catch up.
For me? This list is endless, but I am so thankful for the things that matter most. Family. Friends. Family that ARE my friends. Laughter. The ability to have a place to sleep, eat, work, and play. The ability to run. To bike, swim, and move my body any way I like. To have a snuggly cat that thinks I'm the greatest thing since canned tuna (most of the time). And to have found the love of my life and a best friend all at once.
Happy Count down till Thanksgiving! What are you thankful for this year?
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