Well, this is it. 12 weeks of playtime. Of middle of the night feedings. Of snuggles. Of love. Of diaper changes. Of exploring. And we're off to the next adventure.
This weekend, I spent almost every waking (and sometimes sleeping) moments with my little buddy. And tomorrow...it's a daddy week. And mommy has to go back to work.
It's kind of surreal....I feel like I just punched out yesterday, but at the same time, I don't know life outside of baby o'clock anymore. It's like the first day of school.....14 years later.
A new adventure. For me and Ro-Bear. Full of excitement.....daddy this week, daycare next week.
And for me....it's a dizzying new jungle gym of fitting in work, family, and me time....grocery shopping, chores, training.....can they fit in with snuggles and baby time? And let's not forget....husband time?
I'm conflicted. I haven't been apart from my little dude for more than 4 hours since he was born. I'm going to miss him terribly. But at the same time, he gets daddy bonding, which is super important. And then daycare, where he will have so much fun!
And on my end....it will be nice to be Rae again. Not just Ro-Bears mommy. It'll be nice to see my friends and co-workers. To get it done. And to...um...eat lunch on my own. (Is that sad?)
I'm excited. I'm nervous. I'm sad......but mostly, I'm ready to head on to the next adventure! (And hopefully little dude sleeps tonight so I'm not dead in the a.m.)
To my Ro-Bear....we had the bestest time in the last 12 weeks. And even though I won't be home with you all day, I'm still gonna love you to bits. We will still read, snuggle, play and have our Ro-Bear Mommy time....I promise! Love, Mommy.
This weekend, I spent almost every waking (and sometimes sleeping) moments with my little buddy. And tomorrow...it's a daddy week. And mommy has to go back to work.
It's kind of surreal....I feel like I just punched out yesterday, but at the same time, I don't know life outside of baby o'clock anymore. It's like the first day of school.....14 years later.
A new adventure. For me and Ro-Bear. Full of excitement.....daddy this week, daycare next week.
Daddy Time! |
And for me....it's a dizzying new jungle gym of fitting in work, family, and me time....grocery shopping, chores, training.....can they fit in with snuggles and baby time? And let's not forget....husband time?
I'm conflicted. I haven't been apart from my little dude for more than 4 hours since he was born. I'm going to miss him terribly. But at the same time, he gets daddy bonding, which is super important. And then daycare, where he will have so much fun!
I'm excited. I'm nervous. I'm sad......but mostly, I'm ready to head on to the next adventure! (And hopefully little dude sleeps tonight so I'm not dead in the a.m.)
To my Ro-Bear....we had the bestest time in the last 12 weeks. And even though I won't be home with you all day, I'm still gonna love you to bits. We will still read, snuggle, play and have our Ro-Bear Mommy time....I promise! Love, Mommy.
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