Hi all! Hope your week is treating you well and happy happy hump day. Post forthcoming about my return to work (spoiler alert-we're all alive!) but since today is a happy day, I'll not dwell on worky work stuff :-P Yay, it's my birthay! Aside from being a Wednesday and having to work, it's been an amazing day. My boss was cool enough to let me knock off early, so I've spent the day doing my favorite things.....
I did my 31 miles....usually I do a "birthday triathlon" and swim, bike and run 31 miles. Little guy was a super snuggler at 5am so the pool part didn't happen ( I know, I was SO bent up about it), but I did ride 30 miles and ran a mile (with my boys!). This year was the quickest way possible to my age (usually I would do a 25 mile ride, a 5 mile run and a mile swim or similar) but it was great. Although...I haven't ridden more than 20 miles since Christmas so my tush kinda wished I was turning 21....just sayin :-P
I watched my trashy soap opera, ate my favorite lunch (grilled cheese, greek yogurt and berries!) and am looking forward to a dinner being prepped by Greg right now (Cracker Barrel knock off chicken and dumplings....nom nom nom). I have an appointment for a foot massage, lots of phone calls, texts, facebook messages and emails....and flowers brought to me by the first man in my life......parents are the best!
I remember turning 30 last year (uh oh, I outed myself!). Greg and I went to the coast of Maine and rode the trails, swam in the ocean (yep, it was 70 last year too!) and did the Maine marathon. He took me out to dinner for my birthday and I remember blowing out the candle on my half moon birthday cookie (who eats a whole cake?). And I made my wish....and one month later, I learned Ii was getting it. Which makes this year the perfect birthday.....I can't ask for more! Blowing out my candle tonight, I don't want anything else in life....I love my life with my men! *
I watched my trashy soap opera, ate my favorite lunch (grilled cheese, greek yogurt and berries!) and am looking forward to a dinner being prepped by Greg right now (Cracker Barrel knock off chicken and dumplings....nom nom nom). I have an appointment for a foot massage, lots of phone calls, texts, facebook messages and emails....and flowers brought to me by the first man in my life......parents are the best!
I remember turning 30 last year (uh oh, I outed myself!). Greg and I went to the coast of Maine and rode the trails, swam in the ocean (yep, it was 70 last year too!) and did the Maine marathon. He took me out to dinner for my birthday and I remember blowing out the candle on my half moon birthday cookie (who eats a whole cake?). And I made my wish....and one month later, I learned Ii was getting it. Which makes this year the perfect birthday.....I can't ask for more! Blowing out my candle tonight, I don't want anything else in life....I love my life with my men! *
*A million dollars would be cool. I wouldn't pass that one up. Just sayin'
Sounds like a great day - happy birthday!