December 31:
As we head into 2013, it seems as if we turn a big corner. Next year, things will be so different! And I can't wait to embrace all of the wonderful changes ahead!
But first, let's talk about peanut.
Your Baby in Week 11 of Pregnancy
Your baby, just over 1 1/2 inches long and about the size of a fig, is now almost fully formed. Her hands will soon open and close into fists, tiny tooth buds are beginning to appear under her gums, and some of her bones are beginning to harden.
She's already busy kicking and stretching, and her tiny movements are so effortless they look like water ballet. These movements will become more frequent as her body grows and becomes more developed and functional. You won't feel your baby's acrobatics for another month or two — nor will you notice the hiccuping that may be happening now that her diaphragm is forming.
Awww, how sweet. I can just picture the lil bean stirring up a mini version! Well, this week, Greg and I continued to tell our close friends and co-workers about the big week, we go live! Usually, couples wait until after the first trimester, when the risk of a miscarriage is much, much lower. We've (im)patiently waited for 7 weeks....but there are a few things that make us comfortable with the big reveal:
1. The first ultrasound on December 12th revealed a healthy baby-complete with visible heartbeat and a nice, secure attachment. This is really good.
2. We went to meet with our new OB GYN on Monday (Dec 31) and had an excellent appointment. More on that, but we were able to actually hear the heartbeat via fetal doppler. Such a wonderful moment!
Well, (as always, such an egomaniac)-lets talk about ME!
Total Weight Gain: Down 1.5 pounds from PP weight. The doc gave me the reassurance that this is "ok". I did indulge in a few things over the holiday...some (non chocolate) cookies, bread, meats, and once a year treats. However...I seem to be holding onto all that. And not in a good way. I'll let you figure that one out, but god bless the nurse that gave me a list of approved meds this week that has "go meds" on it. The things they don't tell you....
Cravings: None. I'm a little less averse to my trigger foods, but nothing wild. I've been able to eat some yogurts, but Greek is still a no go. I keep crossing my fingers.....
Sleep: It's been a mess. My tummy is recovering, but I've had wicked dry mouth and dry nose, which sucks. I've kept lemon hard candies by my bed, as well as liquids. It helps somewhat, but I'm still super tired all the time.
Baby Items Bought/Received: A few clearance items from Target-amazing baby sale! I've also collected a bunch of diaper coupons as well-can't decide if that's smart or ridiculous!
Best Baby Moment: The heartbeat-amazing. Just amazing. No other words. Aside from that, we had our first OB appointment with our new doctor, which was just amazing. We spoke with a nurse for over an hour, got the skinny on eating well, safe meds (thank god), testing, the next 6 months, exercising, etc. They are super supportive and are great at answering any questions I have. Double win!
Goals: To hopefully start to feel like a human being in the next week or two! Greg and I are going to Florida in 3 weeks and I really hope I've turned this "tired" corner by then. But if not, at least I can nap on the beach :-)
Worries: How in the heck am I going to make it through work this week? Seriously, they don't tell you how draining the first trimester is. Which sucks, because since half the world doesn't know yet (and no visible evidence!), you just look like a lazy bum. Oh well :-)
So, since we've seen and heard the heart, Greg and I have discussed it thoroughly and decided to start telling people at work/our friends/etc. Big reveal next weekend-I can't wait to just let the cat out of the bag!!
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