I apologize for my blogging lame-ness. From every day to every other day to...once a week? Yikes. One would think I have a life (they'd be wrong, unless you count 4 month old bundles of cute-ness)....but it's just been madness around here.
30 second catch up week cycle - cold, sniffles, sleeplessness, work deadline, sleeplessness, candy, cute trick or treater, sick - sposion from the cat, sniffles, coughs, running, brunch.
There we go. And now, I want to thank you all for your comments, FB suggestions and emails...I have some more "playing for less" posts to write! You expressed interest in:
1. Grocery Shopping/ HBA shopping
2. Vacation Tips
3. Holiday Shopping
4. Staying in Shape
I'm on it, friends. I will try to do a post a week...keep the ideas coming!
As for today, I'm pretty tapped out. I have a recipe for pumpkin loaf coming (tested at a family brunch today and approved), a race calendar update, and tons of Rob cuteness (who turns 4 months this week!) but that will have to wait. Oh, who am I kidding...I always have room for Rob cute-ness. Check out our Halloween!!
Carving our turtle pumpkin! |
Tiger- costume #1! |
Ninja Turtle Family! |
First Trick or Treat house! |
Cousin Sue....our first house! |
The loot! (He must be cute :-)) |
How was your Halloween? Eat a ton of candy? The peanut butter cups got me, as they always do, but hey...once a year ain't bad :-)
OMG, his costume had a cape!! babies should totally wear capes more often. Also, I have some acquaintances who dressed their baby as a wizard. I request that you put a wizard hat on Rob. and also maybe a fake beard.