Well, now, I don't care if I'm repeating. Today, and EVERY DAY, I am so grateful for my kiddo. I love him so much it is unbelievable. Seriously, I think they up your capacity for love when you become a parent...I never was a Grinch, but my heart grew 3 sizes on July 5th, and it doesn't show signs of changing :-) With that, since I am 2 days late on this, let's talk baby.....and how my little boy is a BIG 4 MONTHS OLD NOW!!
Rob: Month 4
Going for runs, playing on your activity mat, hanging out with Mommy and Daddy! Going for walks in your seeing us seat, your bouncer with the cow, being read to, giggle fests with Mommy, watching hockey with Daddy (it amazes you!!), your frog slippies, and snuggle time with Mommy and Daddy. Daycare - you love the older babies and have such a crush on Miss Megan, your sitter. You also love "talking" to us - we will have a 15 minute conversation easy peasy. Now if only Mommy could figure out what you're saying....
Tummy time (learning to flip is hard work!), teething (yuck!!) and sleeping alone. You like staying in our room (in your crib of course!) You are lukewarm on baths and car rides.....it depends on the mood!
Regressed a bit this month for feeding reasons...you are a hungry dude! I suppose that's what happens when you more than double your weight in 4 months! Go Rob! You sleep pretty well for day naps now, and get about a 4 hour chunk at night, then you want noms. You do tend to go right back to sleep after that though, for another 3-4 hours. We love it!
You are such a chow hound, buddy!! 5 ounces every 2.5 hours during the day, and then at least once in the night. Mommy gets up to pump when you sleep so I can keep up - we are on 4 months of EBF, and it is so so worth it....but who knows how long I can keep up with you....a preview of things to come, I think!!
First 5k with Mommy - We rocked this out!
First Solid food - You tried your hand at oatmeal and some pudding. Just tastes. You are a fan!!
First Ear infection- Boo to this. We are working on getting you stronger!
First Day at Daycare - You are such a ladies man, and they love you. Duh, we aren't surprised.
First Halloween - Ninja Turtle Trick or Treating!!
Best Moment of the Month:Again, this is so hard. I love every minute with you! I love loved our punkin. But....I still think I loved normal nights best, when we snuggle together as a family and just love each other. Simple is best, little man.
first race...you were such a good buddy, and it was awesome sharing with you something I love so much! I also loved your first Halloween- we had fun trick or treating and carving our
Looking Forward to:
Thanksgiving.....Christmas Shopping....the first snowfall....oh little dude, I can't WAIT for Christmas this year!!!
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