Ok, I'm back. You knew I would be. But today, it's not about me (thank goodness, Rae, you're such a narcissist!). It's about a boy. Specifically, this boy that has my heart. And always will. He's funny. He's a snuggle. He gives the best hugs ever, and he likes chocolate the best (who doesn't?) And, you got it, he calls me mom.
I can't call him a baby anymore cause...today he is 4! What a kid. It's wild to know that four years ago, this lil firecracker made an appearance, and that life has changed forever in the best way possible. Today, we are celebrating with lots of cake, swinging (put together by the best team ever - Thanks EJ, Jeff, John, Drew, and Daddy!) and a Red Wings Game later. What a day. What a guy.
A blast from the past....when Rob was Born...One...Two...Three...
Size - 36 pounds. Right smack where you should be. You are 41" high, which is slightly taller than average, but of course, perfect. You have long legs, a super strong tummy, and a big boy buzz cut. Not a baby. Not a toddler. A little boy. Be still, my heart.
I can't call him a baby anymore cause...today he is 4! What a kid. It's wild to know that four years ago, this lil firecracker made an appearance, and that life has changed forever in the best way possible. Today, we are celebrating with lots of cake, swinging (put together by the best team ever - Thanks EJ, Jeff, John, Drew, and Daddy!) and a Red Wings Game later. What a day. What a guy.
A blast from the past....when Rob was Born...One...Two...Three...
And 4!!!

Likes: You still love cars with a passion, and asked me for 10 Lamborghini's this year. Real ones. Ill get back to ya, bud. You also are obsessed with "Secret Life of Pets" and also would like a mastiff, JRT, and Pomeranian for your birthday. And while I am sure your Aunt Shel would help you out with the last one, Daddy would kill us both. So, keep dreaming dreaming big, bud. You also love playing car racing games, jumping in bounce houses, riding your big boy bike with training wheels, and playing in your pool. Seems like a pretty good life for a 4 year old!
Dislikes: Eating meat. When things don't go your way. Being told "NO". And when Biz tries to play with your toys and you don't want to share. Aside from the meat eating thing, I currently deal with these issues quite a bit at work, so I don't know what to tell ya, bud. Suck it up, buttercup. And enjoy the flinging yourself on the floor and screaming thing while you can. It stops being acceptable when you turn about 6. Well, maybe. I might try it at my next staff meeting and see what happens.
Sleep: Aside from when you have bad dreams and need snugs (hey, not complaining), once we get you into bed, you sleep like a champ. 10-11 hours a night. It's the 437 easy steps to get you there that we are working on....
Eating: Still adore fruit, pizza, anything chocolate, beans and rice, "golden cereal" and "talking cereal" (honey nut cheerios and rice krispies) and turkey dogs. Sometimes it's a struggle to get you to eat, but you do well.
Milestones/Firsts:Preschool. Riding a bike with training wheels. Becoming fully potty trained. Counting to 30. And your use of astronomically grown up words like "transparency" and aerodynamic" (cause when you have triathletes for parents...) correctly. You are pretty much off the charts in intelligence...now it's time to get your emotions there with ya. Hang in there bud. Equilibrium happens (see what I did there??)

Best Moment: I can't even improve on my 3 year old sentiments = Watching you and Biz. Buddy, when you were born, I truly did not believe I had a bigger capacity for love. I was wrong. Watching my big boy and my baby....the two of you are just simpatico. It is amazing. I love you both to buts and pieces, and my life is so much better because you are in it!!
Edited to add at 4.....the two of you are so amazing. you teach your sister so much, and you are her biggest protector. Watching my first baby grow into such a caring, intelligent, lovable boy is indescribable. I love you so much, my ro-bear.
Edited to add at 4.....the two of you are so amazing. you teach your sister so much, and you are her biggest protector. Watching my first baby grow into such a caring, intelligent, lovable boy is indescribable. I love you so much, my ro-bear.
Looking Forward To: All the cool things we get to learn and do every day....the zoo, swimming, running together (you want to do a 5k!), riding bikes, swinging, reading, snuggling, a few upcoming vacations....everything. From the mundane to the exceptional, my life with you in it is astronomically better then I ever could have dreamed. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BEAR (hands raised in the air).. And that's a lotta muches!!!
How is he 4 already?!?!