Well, it happened. Snow found us. Woke up Sunday morning to a nice layer on the deck - Rob was so freakin excited! It's funny how not having to drive in the stuff makes it magical. So we crunched it under our feet, watched it fall, and then, like sane and sensible people, came inside to watch some football.
Seems as if a true late fall is upon us - 60s one day, snow the next, No complaints here - I am loving the fall weather that allows me to open the windows one day, then don tights and go for a long run the next (long being operative here, people). I signed up for the Mendon 20k on November 7th, and am looking forward to seeing how my trail running goes (Greg has kiddo duty - he hates Mendon, so mommy is flying solo for 4 FREAKING hours. I love my kids, but I can't wait to listen to some bad music, drink coffee uninterrupted on the drive, and run through the woods for 2 hours!) Yes, I'm twisted. No time goals in mind, just fun.
So Sundays are now my long run days again (YAY!) and of course, you're gonna need some fuel to recover after that mess. And as the name implies, I decided to go with STUFFED. With nutrients. And food in my face. Peppers, that is.
Stuffed Peppers (makes 6 pepper halves - served 2 in our house!)
3 bell peppers
1/2 cup brown rice
1 small onion, diced
1 cup crushed tomatoes
12 ounces extra lean ground beef (I used 95%)
1 tbsp minced garlic
1 tbsp garlic salt
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 cup mozzarella cheese
Seems as if a true late fall is upon us - 60s one day, snow the next, No complaints here - I am loving the fall weather that allows me to open the windows one day, then don tights and go for a long run the next (long being operative here, people). I signed up for the Mendon 20k on November 7th, and am looking forward to seeing how my trail running goes (Greg has kiddo duty - he hates Mendon, so mommy is flying solo for 4 FREAKING hours. I love my kids, but I can't wait to listen to some bad music, drink coffee uninterrupted on the drive, and run through the woods for 2 hours!) Yes, I'm twisted. No time goals in mind, just fun.
So Sundays are now my long run days again (YAY!) and of course, you're gonna need some fuel to recover after that mess. And as the name implies, I decided to go with STUFFED. With nutrients. And food in my face. Peppers, that is.
Stuffed Peppers (makes 6 pepper halves - served 2 in our house!)

1/2 cup brown rice
1 small onion, diced
1 cup crushed tomatoes
12 ounces extra lean ground beef (I used 95%)
1 tbsp minced garlic
1 tbsp garlic salt
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 cup mozzarella cheese
Slice the peppers in half length wise and scoop out seeds and pith. Rinse and set in a baking dish, side up. Saute garlic and onion in olive oil for 5 minutes or until softened, add in ground beef and cook until brown. Cook rice as directed, add in tomatoes, garlic salt, and ground beef mixture in last 5 minutes of cooking. Bake peppers alone for 15 minutes at 350, then spoon stuffing mixture evenly over peppers, returning to oven to bake for 30 minutes at 400. Add mozzarella cheese evenly over peppers, broil for 5 minutes or until browned.
Serve up with tomato sauce if desired.
Freaking delicious. And healthy enough to sneak a cookie or two post dinner as well :-P
so glad I am not the only mom that looks forward to a long run so I can do all the wonderful things you mentioned and just worry about me and not where did that sock fall off kiddos foot