Well, not really. But for all intents and purposes we are over the halfway hump, so we are in the home stretch? Not even close. It's like people that say in a marathon at 15 miles in "You're almost there!" Shut up, people. You aren't almost there until you see the friggin finish line. Stay put, bambino, that's not a hint!

Your baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long — the length of a carrot. You may soon feel like she's practicing martial arts as her initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. You may also discover a pattern to her activity as you get to know her better. In other developments, your baby's eyebrows and lids are present now, and if you're having a girl, her vagina has begun to form as well.
My Body: In other news, even though 8 pounds isnt much, its all between shoulders and hips in the from which makes getting up a beast. Might have to hire a forklift :-P Exercise is going well, loving swimming best, which is no shocker, it was the same with Rob. Of course, my gym pools heater shot the bed this week, so it's closed (yes, I am the crazy person who the health dept. pulled out of the water mid swim, c'mon, 70 degrees is NOT cold!) but thankfully we have a back up pool! Running is going well, too, just need a bathroom break route but thankfully we have some good neighbors down the hill that have agreed to provide services!!
Cravings: Bill Gray's. All of the time. And also tuna fish now. Careful not to eat too much of the latter, but its so damn good with celery and Italian dressing! Yes, yes, I know I am a strange one.
Aversions: M&Ms and soda. Wow, this baby must be a health nut! I certainly won't force this one, I've just been loading up on Iced Tea which is friggin delicious during the warmer weather :-)
Sleep: Anxiety dreams are the theme this week. Accidents, Family member injury, Rob getting hurt, baby problems. This is quite normal but I certainly prefer my NC 17 dreams, thankyouvery much. I just wish I could pick the male leads :-D
Best Baby Moment: My little karate kid seems to be letting me know how active s/he is. All over the place! This week Rob went to kiss his baby sibling goodnight (yes, it's the sweetest thing ever) and the baby landed a sucker punch right as he did it! Not too powerful by the outside world but the look on Rob's face was hilarious!
Goals: Finish painting. Assemble crib. Run for 2 miles without needing to pee (some of these goals are way more attainable).
Worries: I need a vacation. Stress is killing me.
This Week:
Run: 9 miles
Bike: 83 miles
Swim: 4 miles
Total: 96 miles
To Date:
Run: 248.1 miles
Bike: 1101 miles
Swim: 44.5 miles
Total: 1374.6 miles...or, the distance from Rochester NY to Bismark, North Dakota. I really wanted to honeymoon there. And no, I am not kidding. Poor nugget, born to crazy people :-)
Bike: 83 miles
Swim: 4 miles
Total: 96 miles
To Date:
Run: 248.1 miles
Bike: 1101 miles
Swim: 44.5 miles
Total: 1374.6 miles...or, the distance from Rochester NY to Bismark, North Dakota. I really wanted to honeymoon there. And no, I am not kidding. Poor nugget, born to crazy people :-)
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