Six days late! Holy Cow!! Well, in my defense...battling the plague, work deadlines, ran 40 miles, and um...plague. But who cares about me? SOMEONE turned 7 months old last week....and he is such a big big boy!!!
Size - Weighing in at 19 pounds - pretty soon I can just set aside my wish list for a kettle bell. I have baby dumbbell! I kid, I kid little man. Still, you do love helping Mommy and Daddy do their crunches, pushups and laughing at us when we do kickboxing :-) No clue on your height - you are too much of a wiggle worm for us to even contemplate it!
Likes: Well, now that you are sittin' like a big boy, the world has opened up!.You love playing with your v tech steering wheel ( a free mommy find) and your cars! You also love sittin like a big boy and grabbing anything on your blanket. Your hand eye coordination is just awesome, and you adore playing with your blocks. You also are getting to be a huge fan of the bathtub - you love practicing swimming, and also playing with your bath toys. We have so much fun in the tub- you are such a fishy!!
Dislikes: Apparently you seem to to be regressing on the sleep issue again...yikes. We don't see this at home too much - you have about two one hour naps and then sleep about 11-12 hours a night (with a few wake ups). That seems about pretty normal to me, but what do I know? We seem to be muddling through, with the exception of the sickies that have been invading our house. One day at a time. You still have the stuffies, but you are still such a happy kiddo!!
Sleep: See above - I think we are doing well, especially based off of our recent challenges. We have good nights, we have bad nights, we have somewhere in between. You're a baby - you're allowed! Generally, you still eat once during the night - we are working on cutting that one out, but not in a rush to do so.
Eating: You are eating solids 2-3 times a day, and you just adore eating- you sit at your little high chair like such a connoisseur and nom nom nom all your fruits and veggies. I'm getting more adventurous with the blender - we have started mixing fruits and veggies and grains - you love oatmeal (score!) and barley, also are a big fan of your green veggies. My little monster.
Sitting up, unassisted - such a big feat! It has opened up a whole new world for you!!
Ms and Ds - You babble like a champ, buddy. I may have heard a few mamamamas....but I'm holding out on that first word. Soon bud, soon.
Best Moment: Our conversations win, hands down. I can't understand you and you can't understand me, but somehow we seem to do just fine together. You are such a blessing in my world, little man, and I KNOW how lucky I am every day to have you!
Looking Forward to: Every new day! You are starting to pull yourself up by the coffee table into standing, and scootching on your little mat....oh, you want to move so badly!
Size - Weighing in at 19 pounds - pretty soon I can just set aside my wish list for a kettle bell. I have baby dumbbell! I kid, I kid little man. Still, you do love helping Mommy and Daddy do their crunches, pushups and laughing at us when we do kickboxing :-) No clue on your height - you are too much of a wiggle worm for us to even contemplate it!
Likes: Well, now that you are sittin' like a big boy, the world has opened up!.You love playing with your v tech steering wheel ( a free mommy find) and your cars! You also love sittin like a big boy and grabbing anything on your blanket. Your hand eye coordination is just awesome, and you adore playing with your blocks. You also are getting to be a huge fan of the bathtub - you love practicing swimming, and also playing with your bath toys. We have so much fun in the tub- you are such a fishy!!
Sleep: See above - I think we are doing well, especially based off of our recent challenges. We have good nights, we have bad nights, we have somewhere in between. You're a baby - you're allowed! Generally, you still eat once during the night - we are working on cutting that one out, but not in a rush to do so.
Eating: You are eating solids 2-3 times a day, and you just adore eating- you sit at your little high chair like such a connoisseur and nom nom nom all your fruits and veggies. I'm getting more adventurous with the blender - we have started mixing fruits and veggies and grains - you love oatmeal (score!) and barley, also are a big fan of your green veggies. My little monster.
Sitting up, unassisted - such a big feat! It has opened up a whole new world for you!!
Ms and Ds - You babble like a champ, buddy. I may have heard a few mamamamas....but I'm holding out on that first word. Soon bud, soon.
Best Moment: Our conversations win, hands down. I can't understand you and you can't understand me, but somehow we seem to do just fine together. You are such a blessing in my world, little man, and I KNOW how lucky I am every day to have you!
Looking Forward to: Every new day! You are starting to pull yourself up by the coffee table into standing, and scootching on your little mat....oh, you want to move so badly!
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