Its that time of month again- wow, how the time flies!! Yesterday, my big boy turned 5 months old. Every single month I look back in awe and, just 5 months ago/already 5 months! depending on the month. Its all going so fast and at the same time, I can't believe how big buddy's gotten! Speaking of growing, let's do an update.....
Size - Buddy, you are getting to be such a big boy! You don't go back to the doctor's til next month, but according to Mommy's scale, you weigh 15 pounds, 5 oz and are 25" tall. You are blowing right out of 6 month clothes and are in size 3 diapers already! So down, kiddo! (But no really. Never want that).
Likes: You love your exersaucer car and playing at driving. Forecast of things to come!! You love love being in motion and learning new things...and everything goes in your mouth, of course :-P You like playing in your baby jumper, interacting with Mommy and daddy at mealtimes (you just bust out laughing!) and playing games with everyone. you are totally finding your voice - you chatter about everything in the world and carry on "conversations" with us all the time. I wish I knew what you were saying...wait, maybe I don't!
Dislikes: As always, you hate sitting still. You are napping a bit better now, but its a struggle to get you down- you don't want to miss anything! You also hate your car seat - you don't like being strapped down! Mommy's going to have her hands full in a few years...or months.....
Sleep: We seem to be at an impasse, little man. You are getting to be such a good crib sleeper (in our room) but you are up at all hours and won't go back down easily at ll. You love snuggling in the big bed before sleepies with mommy, but you just seem to feel that sleep is for babies. Wait..... we have a few tricks up our sleeve for the upcoming month, and I'm sure a more solid line up (har har) of actual food will help this. Hey, who says mommy needs sleep, anyways? (Seriously, dying here, buddy.)
Eating: You are such a nomser. We don't have a pattern for solids yet, but you've tried broccoli, sweet potato and oatmeal with success. You are super interested in food and we will be starting that this weekend while mommy and daddy have 3 days in a row to try it out with you!
First Turkey Day. You were super excited until we got where we were going, then you flipped out. We are guessing the combo of people, noise and strange house got to you. We'll probably remind you of it for the next 18 years, no worries.
First Snow Day! We played in the snow in your snowsuit and made angels. Such fun!
First Christmas Tree- You were a champ going to cut down the tree and you are amazed by it in general. You are a baby after your momma's heart - Christmas is awesome!!
First time being held by Uncle Alan - who does not hold babies. You loved it!
Flipping back to front and front to back - you are so strong!
Best Moment: Decorating the tree with you. You had the biggest and best smile on your face, filled with wonder. It was just as Christmas should be, and I can't wait to share all of the magic of the season with you!
Looking Forward to: Christmas cookies, breakfast with Santa, Christmas Eve, Christmas, and a Brand new year with new adventures! I love you so much buddy!
Places to go, people! |
Likes: You love your exersaucer car and playing at driving. Forecast of things to come!! You love love being in motion and learning new things...and everything goes in your mouth, of course :-P You like playing in your baby jumper, interacting with Mommy and daddy at mealtimes (you just bust out laughing!) and playing games with everyone. you are totally finding your voice - you chatter about everything in the world and carry on "conversations" with us all the time. I wish I knew what you were saying...wait, maybe I don't!
Dislikes: As always, you hate sitting still. You are napping a bit better now, but its a struggle to get you down- you don't want to miss anything! You also hate your car seat - you don't like being strapped down! Mommy's going to have her hands full in a few years...or months.....
Sleep: We seem to be at an impasse, little man. You are getting to be such a good crib sleeper (in our room) but you are up at all hours and won't go back down easily at ll. You love snuggling in the big bed before sleepies with mommy, but you just seem to feel that sleep is for babies. Wait..... we have a few tricks up our sleeve for the upcoming month, and I'm sure a more solid line up (har har) of actual food will help this. Hey, who says mommy needs sleep, anyways? (Seriously, dying here, buddy.)
Lovin' Uncle! |
First Turkey Day. You were super excited until we got where we were going, then you flipped out. We are guessing the combo of people, noise and strange house got to you. We'll probably remind you of it for the next 18 years, no worries.
First Christmas Tree- You were a champ going to cut down the tree and you are amazed by it in general. You are a baby after your momma's heart - Christmas is awesome!!
First time being held by Uncle Alan - who does not hold babies. You loved it!
Flipping back to front and front to back - you are so strong!
Best Moment: Decorating the tree with you. You had the biggest and best smile on your face, filled with wonder. It was just as Christmas should be, and I can't wait to share all of the magic of the season with you!
Looking Forward to: Christmas cookies, breakfast with Santa, Christmas Eve, Christmas, and a Brand new year with new adventures! I love you so much buddy!
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