.....and time keeps on going faster and faster. Well, Miss Biz (yo u know the name stuck when your 80 year old great aunt uses it), you are becoming less like an infant and more like the cutest, most expressive, awesome kiddo every day. We are having so much fun. Even though Momma had to go back to work this week (ick) you've been livin' it up with Daddy during the first week of his leave...and without a doubt, have us both wrapped around your little pinky (actually, all 3 of us. Rob adores his Biz a Biz.....every time you cry, he gives you a big hug and goes "Ohhhh Biz biz".) So what's crack a lackin this month?
You never get enough of Daddy and Mommy snugs. Ever. (Kiddo, we love this). You still love your pal Jeff the giraffe, and now your bootie slippers that GG gave Rob when he was a baby. They are reindeer and they make you giggle. You LOVE your brother. Even when he drives cars on your head. You get this little tongue out grin every time Rob gives you a mooch or a bear hug, and Daddy and I can already tell you two will be thick as thieves. Ruh roh. You also have a big thing for your thumb....you guys are BFFs, and you self soothe like a champ. What can I say kiddo? You're a rockstar. Oh, that too. You like Mommy's singing...poor kid. all the wrong words to "Blurred Lines" and "GDFR" and "Renegades"....don't worry, I'll chip in for your therapy in 20 years. Promise.
Bathtime. Sleeping in the crib. Not being able to eat all the cookies yet. And whenever Mommy leaves for work. How can I fault you for any of that?? Clearly, you know what's good and what's NOT. Except bathtime. Give that a few months, and we'll never get you out, just like bro.
It's all good. Still a few naps in the pack and play and bouncer, a few on mom or dad (I know, shoot us) and co-sleeper at night. Probably you don't sleep any better than your brother when we freaked out about him, but that's the key. We aren't freaking. Who needs sleep? (Not BNL). You're up to about 6-7 hour stretch at night, which rocks. The last week has been kinda rough due to some congestion, but hey, who doesn't love a steamy shower at 2am? (Sadly, Bradley Cooper did not join us. Damn.)
You rock. Seriously. I kinda doubt we will ever have issues with this one. As Rob says..."Biz go in the tube (boppy) and eat the boob". Yes, I know. Double therapy. I get it, kid, I do.
Best Moment of the Month:
I just can't pick. First laugh, doing Christmas (as Rob says), or dancing and singing with you....snuggled and passed out on my chest. Wow. I knew I had a great life before you came along, but now I know I am truly the luckiest person in the world. You, Rob and your Daddy make me so happy. And I wouldn't trade it for eleventy million dollars. (Wait, that's not a number?.....yet.)
Looking Forward to:
Christmas. and New Years. The best time of year, and I get to share it with you. Could it get any better??
You never get enough of Daddy and Mommy snugs. Ever. (Kiddo, we love this). You still love your pal Jeff the giraffe, and now your bootie slippers that GG gave Rob when he was a baby. They are reindeer and they make you giggle. You LOVE your brother. Even when he drives cars on your head. You get this little tongue out grin every time Rob gives you a mooch or a bear hug, and Daddy and I can already tell you two will be thick as thieves. Ruh roh. You also have a big thing for your thumb....you guys are BFFs, and you self soothe like a champ. What can I say kiddo? You're a rockstar. Oh, that too. You like Mommy's singing...poor kid. all the wrong words to "Blurred Lines" and "GDFR" and "Renegades"....don't worry, I'll chip in for your therapy in 20 years. Promise.
Bathtime. Sleeping in the crib. Not being able to eat all the cookies yet. And whenever Mommy leaves for work. How can I fault you for any of that?? Clearly, you know what's good and what's NOT. Except bathtime. Give that a few months, and we'll never get you out, just like bro.

You rock. Seriously. I kinda doubt we will ever have issues with this one. As Rob says..."Biz go in the tube (boppy) and eat the boob". Yes, I know. Double therapy. I get it, kid, I do.
First Giggle: November 14. Now, you laugh all the time - and you kind of lift your chin when you giggle and have this most adorable look. Heart. Breaker.
First Thanksgiving - You were kinda annoyed that we wouldn't let you eat Turkey, but handled it well. You gave awesome baby snugs to everyone. Such a kiddo.
First Christmas tree - you LOVE lights. They are fascinating.
First visit with Santa: December 12. You weren't too sure who that fat guy was, but since Rob was there, it was all good.
First Giggle: November 14. Now, you laugh all the time - and you kind of lift your chin when you giggle and have this most adorable look. Heart. Breaker.

First Christmas tree - you LOVE lights. They are fascinating.
First visit with Santa: December 12. You weren't too sure who that fat guy was, but since Rob was there, it was all good.
Best Moment of the Month:
I just can't pick. First laugh, doing Christmas (as Rob says), or dancing and singing with you....snuggled and passed out on my chest. Wow. I knew I had a great life before you came along, but now I know I am truly the luckiest person in the world. You, Rob and your Daddy make me so happy. And I wouldn't trade it for eleventy million dollars. (Wait, that's not a number?.....yet.)
Looking Forward to:
Christmas. and New Years. The best time of year, and I get to share it with you. Could it get any better??
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