It's about a week later, so Mom and I say sorry for being late with this race report.....since we ran another 5k this past weekend, I told her she better get to taking some short hand so I can tell you about Shoreline before we write about the 5k this morning! And since I am in charge (for now....ok, in chagre, who does she think she is kidding?) Mom said ok, let's do it nugget!
The real story for this race starts back in January....Fleet Feet ran a sale for running races and local tris dirt cheap. Two sprint tris for $75 is a friggin steal and Greg signed up at once. We were thinking maybe baby so I hesitated and we figured well, if it happens it does, if not, you can do both and pay $25 more, no big deal. We aren't all of the smarts but in this case it happened to be a wise move...12 days later we were looking at a big fat positive pregnancy test :-) I know I still wanted to race through this pregnancy if nugget let me (which s/he has TOTALLY been on board with) so I sought out my biker friend Brennan, who was awesome enough to agree to do a duathlon team with me and nugget - he would do the bike and I would do both run portions. Sweet.
Now I'll let nugget take over.....
Mom and I decided to train enough for the race where we were super comfortable running 2 miles at a time a bit quicker, just for fun. She thought the race was 2 miles - 15.7 mile bike - 2 mile run,. which was totally doable for us - I have to pee alot, so we figured 20 minutes or so of running was perfect (spoiler alert - she was wrong. But we'll get to that). Race day dawned with high humidity and warning clouds....not the best weather, we hoped for Daddy, who was doing the full tri (.5 mile swim, 16 mile bike and 4 mile run) that it would cool down! It did not....low 90s by 10am made the race...interesting. But Mom and I had fun anyways!
Pre Race, we hung out with Brennan, Mommy's relay partner, and got body marked. We happened to see a guy with teh same number on our way to transition...wait...that isn't right! So they switched us...and then found someone wearing the same number again!! Mommy told the RDs just to give us the fastest time possible (hah) but we thought it was funny, as this was just a funsies race anyways. We headed over to the art about 10 minutes before the race and gave daddy a smooch (different starts because he was swimming first!) and got ready to do our first 2 mile run. At the pre race instructions, Mommy realized that the second run was 4 miles (she thought it was 2) whoops! No big deal, I told her we could do this! Before I knew it, we were off!!
Run #1: 17:36 (2 miles). We rocked this run. Mommy and I both felt good, tried to take it easy, but we thought a sub 9 minute mile 7 months preggo was pretty darn decent, so we were happy! It was HOT but the section we ran was flat and fun and the ladies running it were super nice. We got into transition without much happening, handed over our chip to Brennan and he was off for his bike!
During the wait, we hung out with some other people doing the relay and tried to stay cool. Didn't was getting so hot! We saw Daddy come back from his bike and do his first loop and he looked pretty beat (even though he was kicking butt!) About an hour later (and many potty breaks) Brennan was back and we headed out for run #2!
Run #2: 43:04 (4 miles). This run was much harder heat wise, but Mom told me we were gonna be smart and listen to our bodies. She was right - we walked when we needed to and just had fun! We ran the first loop with Mom's friend Kim, who has two small kids of her own and did the whole tri! Loop 1 was 20:34 and then we headed back out, dumping ice water all over ourselves (so cold and so good!) Loop two we ran for 5, walked for 1 and walked all the small hills. It was super hot but we knew we were almost done and Mom and I have so much fun running together that I didn't mind. We cheered on all the other racers who cheered us on too (which is why Mom says tri's are so cool because most people are so friendly!) we hit the finish in 43:04 for a combined 6 miles of 1:00:40, or a 10:06 pace. Yay for us!
Post race, we got our medals and then ran into the lake fully clothed! Mom is so crazy but it felt so good. daddy gave us hugs and we went and got food and checked the reults/. As we sort of thought, they gave us the second persons results (we were so much faster) but hopefully they can fix it - either way Mom says its no big deal because we had a good time and that's what counts, right? I said sure...until I am big enough to race her then I will beat her anyways :-)
Loved this race...and I can't wait till I'm old enough to race on my own!
The real story for this race starts back in January....Fleet Feet ran a sale for running races and local tris dirt cheap. Two sprint tris for $75 is a friggin steal and Greg signed up at once. We were thinking maybe baby so I hesitated and we figured well, if it happens it does, if not, you can do both and pay $25 more, no big deal. We aren't all of the smarts but in this case it happened to be a wise move...12 days later we were looking at a big fat positive pregnancy test :-) I know I still wanted to race through this pregnancy if nugget let me (which s/he has TOTALLY been on board with) so I sought out my biker friend Brennan, who was awesome enough to agree to do a duathlon team with me and nugget - he would do the bike and I would do both run portions. Sweet.
Now I'll let nugget take over.....
Mom and I decided to train enough for the race where we were super comfortable running 2 miles at a time a bit quicker, just for fun. She thought the race was 2 miles - 15.7 mile bike - 2 mile run,. which was totally doable for us - I have to pee alot, so we figured 20 minutes or so of running was perfect (spoiler alert - she was wrong. But we'll get to that). Race day dawned with high humidity and warning clouds....not the best weather, we hoped for Daddy, who was doing the full tri (.5 mile swim, 16 mile bike and 4 mile run) that it would cool down! It did not....low 90s by 10am made the race...interesting. But Mom and I had fun anyways!

Run #1: 17:36 (2 miles). We rocked this run. Mommy and I both felt good, tried to take it easy, but we thought a sub 9 minute mile 7 months preggo was pretty darn decent, so we were happy! It was HOT but the section we ran was flat and fun and the ladies running it were super nice. We got into transition without much happening, handed over our chip to Brennan and he was off for his bike!

Run #2: 43:04 (4 miles). This run was much harder heat wise, but Mom told me we were gonna be smart and listen to our bodies. She was right - we walked when we needed to and just had fun! We ran the first loop with Mom's friend Kim, who has two small kids of her own and did the whole tri! Loop 1 was 20:34 and then we headed back out, dumping ice water all over ourselves (so cold and so good!) Loop two we ran for 5, walked for 1 and walked all the small hills. It was super hot but we knew we were almost done and Mom and I have so much fun running together that I didn't mind. We cheered on all the other racers who cheered us on too (which is why Mom says tri's are so cool because most people are so friendly!) we hit the finish in 43:04 for a combined 6 miles of 1:00:40, or a 10:06 pace. Yay for us!
Post race, we got our medals and then ran into the lake fully clothed! Mom is so crazy but it felt so good. daddy gave us hugs and we went and got food and checked the reults/. As we sort of thought, they gave us the second persons results (we were so much faster) but hopefully they can fix it - either way Mom says its no big deal because we had a good time and that's what counts, right? I said sure...until I am big enough to race her then I will beat her anyways :-)
Loved this race...and I can't wait till I'm old enough to race on my own!