What a title. I'm sorry, I just can't even. I looked up and here it is, 8 days post Bizzle B day and I haven't posted - what is up with me? (Besides tendonitis, a huge event for work, and a party for my kiddo). Lame, Rae, lame. So, per excuse 1, we gonna keep the words brief and the pics abundant. Happy birthday, baby (not so baby girl!!)
Size - 27 pounds. Baby girl, you eat ALL THE THINGS. All of them. Especially the meat, eggs and cheese. You may be your mommy's girl in some respects, but that ain't it....
Likes: You adore giraffes. Ice cream (AHH KEEM). Your swing set. Dancing. Hanging out with Rob (and copying everything he does!) Being a daredevil- nothing scares you (OMG Biz). Watching the Babies (Word Party) and "Shiny" (just the song). Waking up at 4am (Bizzzzz)
Dislikes: Sleeping alone (I hear ya kid). When Rob won't play with you (sometimes, you are a pain. I won't lie). Having your hair washed or combed (did someone say tomboy??)
Looking Forward to: Our family trip to Maine next month, Halloween, the best Christmas ever, and experiencing every little day with you and your brother - you two are are simply the best kids a mom could ever ask for and I love you!!
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One week old |
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One year old! |
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My big two year old! |
Likes: You adore giraffes. Ice cream (AHH KEEM). Your swing set. Dancing. Hanging out with Rob (and copying everything he does!) Being a daredevil- nothing scares you (OMG Biz). Watching the Babies (Word Party) and "Shiny" (just the song). Waking up at 4am (Bizzzzz)
Sleep: Yeah. We will just skip right over this one, babes. You have a few good nights (they are all at Gramma's house) but it seems you know your parents are suckers. At 10pm. At midnight. At 3am. At 4:30. Elisabeth Jennifer, I have not SLEPT IN 5 YEARS. But I love you. It's a darn good thing I do.
Eating: All the things. Every. Little. Thing. COOOOOKIES, Ah KEEM, eggos, 'cakes (pancakes), cheese, apples, peanuts, pretzes, popkin, chicken, trees (broc)- you love it. You are a human garbage disposal and I hope you keep it up!!!
Running - you ran your first kids race and love it! You are so cute when you run, arms a kimbo.
Big girl bed- we outted that crib a few months back.
Counting to 10 (people cannot believe you are only two)
Plane ride - to Kansas and Missouri! You go girl!
Riding your trike - You love trying to catch Rob
Probably more, but those are the biggest :)
Big girl bed- we outted that crib a few months back.
Counting to 10 (people cannot believe you are only two)
Plane ride - to Kansas and Missouri! You go girl!
Riding your trike - You love trying to catch Rob
Probably more, but those are the biggest :)
Best Moment: You everyday 'mooches. You give the best hugs and smooches and are such a little love. Aww Biz, I am so lucky to have such a wonderful kiddo.
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