Likes: Swimming and anything water. We put you in the pool last month and you love kicking in your baby floater!! You also love driving the cozy coupe....Rob pushes you all around the kitchen and white room. You are a little too short to pull a Fred flintstone sans floor panel, but you think it is super fun anyways!! You also are starting top love cars (Thanks Bro!) and try to play monster trucks with Rob all the time. Grass is hilarious to you, and you also have made raspberry blowing your new jam (hah, see what I did there??)
Dislikes: Wow, I must have a brain fart here. Other than strangers, teething and napping when something is cooler happening (all duh) I can't think of much. You sometimes get frustrated because you aren't walking yet, but that's more of an impatience to go go go!!

Eating: Pasta is your new jam, specially pas-ghetti. You suck it down and find it hilarious. You also love eating corn on the cob. Ice cream is a new fave, too - chocolate, of course (mommy is severely outnumbered in this household!)
Word - You busted out the momma and the dadda, but also said cat. That counts. Smart girl!
Race-We did our first mommy-biz 5k! You, of course, beat me by .5 seconds. ALWAYS.
Zoo Visit- You thought the cats, especially the tiger, were epic.
Sleep Through the Night. You rock (Especially for my FOMO children!)
Fireworks - Albeit in the distance. You thought poppers were so cool!
Picnic - Mommy's work picnic!
Amusement Park Ride - We rode the carousel! You had a blast!
Best Moment: Enjoying all of the summer moments with you - playing outside, in the water, sharing an icee, going for walks. We have really soaked up tons of small, everyday fun, and it's just amazing, kiddo. The little things really are beyond amazing.
Looking Forward to: Our first vacation (1000 islands), berry picking, and mommy's week off in a few weeks - I get to spend all week with my two favorites!!
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