Think spring will ever come? I'm not too sure, but I do know one thing. If you can't beat em, join em! After another frigid week, us Glaser's decided it was finally time to just make the best of mean ole man winter's antics. I finally finally started running again (those spring races won't train for themselves!), Greg got on the trainer, and Rob supervised. Then it was playtime! After being cooped up in the house for what seems like weeks, we now have our tried and true "lifesavers" of being cooped up with a toddler in the dead of winter. Check it out!
Snowed in Sanity Savers
1. Bubbles - Is without a doubt, the new "it" word in our household. Rob loves 'em. Store bought, homemade (super easy recipes here), doesn't matter. He loves chasing them, popping them, blowing them, and looking at them. Such simple pleasures. And the look on his face (even after 45 minutes of BUBBLE BUBBLES!) is just awesome.
2. Pajama Jammy Jam- Ok, well, to be honest, we rarely wear normal clothes at home - who doesn't love changing into PJ's when they get home? But on Sundays, we declare it "PJ day" and Rob runs around all day in his adorable footies. It's really relaxing to not have to get dressed, and we stay snuggly warm in our fleeces all day. perfect with bubble time.
3. Brownies- And other baked goods! So what if my toddler can't turn on the stove? No biggie. He is awesome at helping me taste the batter and the finished product! We don't normally keep sweets in the house, so this is a treat. We did cheat and use a boxed brownie mix, but we added yogurt in lieu of oil, so ya know, it's practically health food (snorts).
4. Forts! This is another kiddo favorite. He is still working on the logistics of it, but couch cushions and blankets make awesome forts to hide in, chase cats in, and zoo cars around in. Costs nothing, hours of fun, and giggles to boot! How can it get any better?
5. Pip Cleaners n Poms - Another quick n easy fix. Toddlers are fascinated by shapes and "putting things together". So I took a 32 ounce yogurt container, punched in 3 different sized holes, and used fabric store dollar bin poms and pipe cleaners. Rob loves sorting them into colors, putting them in the different holes, then shaking them all out! Super cheap, fosters learning, and keeps him busy so mom can make dinner!
6. Cartoon snugs - Cause sometimes watching Taz and Wile E. Coyote is just the way to go. With a kiddo and a kitt-o all snuggled up on you. Life is rough.
7. Books - Rob has 3 favorite words. Book. Read. Again! How can you say no to that? On an average weekend day, we read about 30 books, and I do not exaggerate. We read from 7:30 in the morning till just before bed. He loves it. Recent favorites are Goodnight Gorilla, Put me in the Zoo, and Where the Wild Things Are. Pretty sure I have the next Shakespeare on my hands, folks. I LOVE IT.
8. Indoor Snow - Cause 5 degrees is just to cold to go sledding for a 25 pounder. So we bring the snow in on a plastic sterlite tote and Rob goes to town with his cars, shovels and pails. Sometimes we color it. But never yellow. Eww.
9. Pizza Party - This is usually our Friday night go to meal. I whip up the dough after work, let it set an hour or so, and we have a pizza trimming party. Greg does olives, I usually do pineapple or broccoli, and Rob does all of the things. Perfect kiddo food. Rather healthy when homemade. Easy clean up. Win win win.
10. Frozen - And as an admission of defeat, we finally watched this movie. In 4 installments, but it does count. A little too close to home right now, but not a bad Disney showing :-)
What are your winter lifesavers with kids?
Snowed in Sanity Savers
1. Bubbles - Is without a doubt, the new "it" word in our household. Rob loves 'em. Store bought, homemade (super easy recipes here), doesn't matter. He loves chasing them, popping them, blowing them, and looking at them. Such simple pleasures. And the look on his face (even after 45 minutes of BUBBLE BUBBLES!) is just awesome.
2. Pajama Jammy Jam- Ok, well, to be honest, we rarely wear normal clothes at home - who doesn't love changing into PJ's when they get home? But on Sundays, we declare it "PJ day" and Rob runs around all day in his adorable footies. It's really relaxing to not have to get dressed, and we stay snuggly warm in our fleeces all day. perfect with bubble time.

4. Forts! This is another kiddo favorite. He is still working on the logistics of it, but couch cushions and blankets make awesome forts to hide in, chase cats in, and zoo cars around in. Costs nothing, hours of fun, and giggles to boot! How can it get any better?
5. Pip Cleaners n Poms - Another quick n easy fix. Toddlers are fascinated by shapes and "putting things together". So I took a 32 ounce yogurt container, punched in 3 different sized holes, and used fabric store dollar bin poms and pipe cleaners. Rob loves sorting them into colors, putting them in the different holes, then shaking them all out! Super cheap, fosters learning, and keeps him busy so mom can make dinner!
6. Cartoon snugs - Cause sometimes watching Taz and Wile E. Coyote is just the way to go. With a kiddo and a kitt-o all snuggled up on you. Life is rough.
7. Books - Rob has 3 favorite words. Book. Read. Again! How can you say no to that? On an average weekend day, we read about 30 books, and I do not exaggerate. We read from 7:30 in the morning till just before bed. He loves it. Recent favorites are Goodnight Gorilla, Put me in the Zoo, and Where the Wild Things Are. Pretty sure I have the next Shakespeare on my hands, folks. I LOVE IT.

9. Pizza Party - This is usually our Friday night go to meal. I whip up the dough after work, let it set an hour or so, and we have a pizza trimming party. Greg does olives, I usually do pineapple or broccoli, and Rob does all of the things. Perfect kiddo food. Rather healthy when homemade. Easy clean up. Win win win.
10. Frozen - And as an admission of defeat, we finally watched this movie. In 4 installments, but it does count. A little too close to home right now, but not a bad Disney showing :-)
What are your winter lifesavers with kids?
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