Thursday, November 11, 2021

The Grocery Run 5k: Bad Influence

 So, post tri season, I have all of these brilliant ideas.  BRILLIANT.  I started running more, signed up for a half marathon (what's off season?) and started re thinking my 2022 season and goals.  After such a shitty October, I realized that I needed to do one of two things - change my attitude or change my circumstances.  Bingo.

I decided to do both, which means a slew of things for 2022 (oh just you wait) but it meant a few key things for the rest of 2021.  Namely, to stop pouting and eating all the chocolate.  Oof.  It also meant branching out in terms of some bad decision making, cause those usually make the best stories.  I've gotten involved with two pretty awesome local tri groups lately - Wolfpack (who I'll proudly represent in 2022 as an ambassador) and the Rochester Area Triathletes (RATs).  I was a RAT back in the day, from about 2008-2011, then fell off as the family stuff came along and I changed my multisport life a bit.  Last year, the President roped me into the fray, and I've met some pretty awesome RATs through all of it - they are fun, excited about the sport, and have a fantastic sense of humor.  I don't know how, but somehow I was voted into the board as the co marketing VP for 2022, so somehow my highly ridiculous awesome presence is appreciated in the club.  Huzzah!

With the involvement comes some pretty sweet friendships, partner runs, and group fun.  So when Mike (el preso), floated the idea of a group 5k three days before the event, I immediately said "WTF Mike" "I'm in!"

The race: East Ave Grocery 5k.  I've always eyed this race with a "maybe" - its flat, fast and not at a bad time.  I haven't legit raced an open 5k in years (I've paced some, done some for fun) and I wasn't in shape to race this one either - though my half marathon has included some speed work, its been mile repeats, which really don't do a ton for 5ks.  However, my old 5k PR of 21:45 was from a split of a 5 mile race in 2019 (what) and my open 5k PR was from four years ago - a 22:53.  Woah.  We probably needed to fix this!

With 3 days to prep, I dusted off my zoomie shoes, took one day off running, and ate a bagel.  Killer training, yo.  The morning of the race, I headed out to Mike's house to join him and seven other teammates for a nice 3 mile warm up to the race site from his house (he has awesome, terrible ideas).  This, of course, meant that there would be a 3 mile cool down, cause that's what the cool kids do.  I woke up race morning to find my favorite capris had a hole in an, um, unfortunate spot, so I brilliantly decided to wear brand new running tights.  What could possibly go wrong?

Mike and I had a bet riding on the race - he would buy lunch if I beat him, and vice versa.  He was hoping for a sub 23, I was hoping for a PR, but doubtful it would happen.  Sweet.  He very nicely volunteered to pick up everyone's race bibs, so when we got to the house, everyone was all set - except me.  He somehow forgot mine (ahem- sabotage?) which I of course, gave him crap for.  I threatened to wear my Reaper singlet and was immediately thrown a RAT's singlet (score) which made up for the bib snafu!  (I'm kidding.  It was hilarious and I will use any ammo for our highly ribbing style of friendship).  With business taken care of, we headed to the start - I got to meet a bunch of new RATs - Nancy, Mike, Carin, Kara, Bonnie, Hugo - and hang with Sue and Simon, two awesome peeps that are already aware of my insanity.

We got to the race start after a nice easy warm up and I went off in search of a bib.  There were roughly 700 people in pace to race (what a great turnout!) and the morning was clear, cold, and beautiful.  After saying hello to a zillion people that knew me that I knew um, some of, it was time to line up.  I went off on my own to get in race mode and debated how to line up.  I wanted a sub 22:45 and was super secretly hoping to run every mile at 6:59 - something about a six as the first number screamed FAST and also scared the  shit out of me.  With that in mind, I lined up about a quarter of the way back and called it good.  Before I knew it, the gun sounded and we were OFF!

Mile 1: 6:36

As we took off, I realized I seeded myself way the hell too slow and was passing people left and right.  I finally caught up to a good pace and felt like I was running hard but not too hard.  About a half mile in I realized I was, um, in the lead pack of women.  There was one woman out ahead (Melissa, a local runner that wins all the 5ks and is way speedier than me - she won and finished in 18 minutes!) and one more woman about 10 yards in front of me.  And  Wait, what??  I hate 5ks!  I'm not fast!  This was my first running race of the year!  Woah.  I reminded myself that we still had a ways to go and to run my own race.  Nonetheless, I hit the first mile marker in 6:36, my fastest mile...ever.  OMG.  

Mile 2: 6:48

I won't lie, for a hot second, I started to debate a sub 20.  But then realized I'd need to run sub 6:20s to accomplish that time.  At this point, another woman zoomed by me, followed by one more.  Whew.  I felt a little let down but they were hauling ass and I was starting to hurt!  Hit the turnaround, kept my clip steady, and managed to pass one of the women back just before mile 2, which clocked in at 6:48. Holy shit

Mile 3: 6:44

At this point, I remembered why I hate 5ks.  They hurt!  I kept my eyes on the woman in front of me, the one I had stayed 10-5 yards behind the whole race.  I knew I couldn't catch her if she kept her pace up, but ya never know.  Rounding the final turn with half a mile to go, the lead biker was heading back down the course and almost plowed into me.  Whoops.  I'll admit, I didn't have many of my faculties left at that point - sorry dude!  Hit mile 3 in 6:44 and as I raced to the finish, I saw the clock ticking toward 21 minutes...holy shit.  I tried to accelerate to sneak in under 20 but ran out of time and crossed in at 21:01.

(PS - Check out that bad race photo.  Apparently I cant be cute and fast.  I'm totally okay with this)

OMG.  What the hell just happened???  At the finish, I saw #3 woman and thanked her for keeping me going (I totally stalked her later and had absolutely no business being anywhere near her - she's fast as hell!)  I missed her by 13 seconds, which haunts me about as much as missing going under 21 - not very much at all.  I blew every expectation I had for this race and am still in shock.  The final stats - 4th overall woman out of 325, and 22nd overall out of 575 people.  Holy shit.  At a pure running race where I struggle at the distance.  Totally unreal. My overall pace was a 6:43 mile, which also blew me away.  (Apparently my true 5k time was 20:52, but I need to learn to run tangents.  Duly noted!) Maybe I should actually train next time??

Post race we got the deets on our AG prizes (to be picked up later, I won my AG) and waited for the rest of the RATs to come in (Mike, you owe me lunch).  We trotted back to Mike's house for coffee and goodies, and made a pact to continue being a bad influence on each other.  After all, according to Mike, a pack of RATs is...a mischief.  Spot. On. 

Next up is the One Half Marathon in Syracuse on Sunday - fingers crossed its a good day!

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