And there we have it. Not only do we have a couple of school aged kids, we also now have a 3 YEAR OLD IN THE HOUSE! Biz turned 3 yesterday, and it was the pink pancake, Y swimming, Happy Meal, cookie cake hot dog party of a day that every 3 year old dreams of (well, at least mine does!)
It's funny -every year I am so amazed at how you grow....from being a tiny little taco to a big 3 year old - the days are long but oh man, the years are short! I know that time flies so I do my best to just hang on and enjoy the ride...and what a ride it's been, my Bizzie girl! Let's see what you're up to now....
No more diapers! You only wear a pull up to bed and are full on potty trained. You get so proud of the fact that you put on your big girl panties and love waving bye to pee pee as you flush (No one said you were normal....
Riding a bike - You love zooming around on your bike - its the best!
Swimming - You LOVE going to the Y and your swim jump off the deck with no fear and love doing kick kicks!!
ABCs/Colors/Shapes- You know them cold. Genius! Preschool is gonna be a blast!
School! You started preschool on Tuesday and you love it already. Oh be still, my heart.
Looking Forward to: Hearing all about preschool, dance lessons, your first riding lessons next month - so many fun things! This year you and Rob really both "get" the holidays - your birthday, Halloween, and Christmas! Our life is made up of small great things - every day with you and Rob and your Daddy is such a precious gift and I love it all. Here's to the best year a 3 year old could have!!!

Size - 31 pounds. You still have the best appetite on the planet - you love your eggs, cheese, ronis (pasta) and GOLDFISHIES!! Love seeing my girl with the big appetite.
Likes: You are obsessed with Trolls (Obviously). You love the color pink, "sprinkles" on your nails (polish), your "girlfriends" (dolls) and the videos done by Blippi on youtube. You also love hanging out with Rob and his friends, playing play doh, swimming at the Y (Its OPEN!) and painting, and dancing!
Likes: You are obsessed with Trolls (Obviously). You love the color pink, "sprinkles" on your nails (polish), your "girlfriends" (dolls) and the videos done by Blippi on youtube. You also love hanging out with Rob and his friends, playing play doh, swimming at the Y (Its OPEN!) and painting, and dancing!
Sleep: Still on the struggle bus with this one sometimes. You generally go to bed pretty well but find your way into ours almsost every night at some point. We are tired parents but the snuggles are worth it, little one. Every night I remind myself that I am so lucky to have such an amazing kid. Keep being awesome!!
Eating: See above. You love food so much! I swear you eat more than I do sometimes - its really neat to watch. Your favorites are goldfishies, cheese and french fries.

Riding a bike - You love zooming around on your bike - its the best!
Swimming - You LOVE going to the Y and your swim jump off the deck with no fear and love doing kick kicks!!
ABCs/Colors/Shapes- You know them cold. Genius! Preschool is gonna be a blast!
School! You started preschool on Tuesday and you love it already. Oh be still, my heart.
Best Moment: It's still the little things. When you look at me and say "I love you, Mommy" or, "Mommy, let's dance!" Or when I listen to you and Rob belly laugh over a ridiculous poop joke. You guys have the same amazing laugh and it melts my heart every time I hear it. You and Rob can fight like cats and dogs but at the end of the day you love each other and it shows....the two of you are really the best gift anyone could have and I am the luckiest to be your Mommy!!

Looking Forward to: Hearing all about preschool, dance lessons, your first riding lessons next month - so many fun things! This year you and Rob really both "get" the holidays - your birthday, Halloween, and Christmas! Our life is made up of small great things - every day with you and Rob and your Daddy is such a precious gift and I love it all. Here's to the best year a 3 year old could have!!!
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