2016....is hours from being over. And while certain friends and family have legitimate reason to say, suck it 2016....as well as more than a few celebrities (Stay strong, Betty White, only 9 hours to go!)....2016, for me, was a year not filled with one singular solidarity of hate. Or love. More so a mish mosh.
2016 was....emotional. In good ways and bad. I started the year with a newborn and a toddler, and ended it with a toddler and a little boy. They are exhausting. And hilarious. And snuggle licious. And, without a doubt, the two best things I have ever done in my life. Hands down. For that, 2016 was amazing.
It also brought the end of a quest I've been pursuing for 5 years. I finally broke 4 hours in the marathon on my third try. It was tough, and quite a bit of work. And I'm super proud of it. I feel like my running took a turn this year - a turn for the better. I've been spending more time on the treadmill, getting runs done quicker and more expediently - due to necessity. And it's paid off in spades. I can't wait to see what 2017 brings. I'm thinking of focusing on breaking my half PR and my 5k PR, and perhaps looking at a half iron. Taking a rest from ultras for a year, for sure!!
Work wise, it was the most stressful, exhausting, yet rewarding year. Working from home was a whole different animal - I adore the flexibility, but it also consumes more of my overall life. My choice? I don't know. There have been some pretty big changes put into a 3 year plan, for which I'll stay mum until they come to fruition, but it makes me love my job, get stressed about my job, and put way too much emotion into my job than is probably necessary. Refer to paragraph 3 - thank you, work, for
making me a better runner due to stress :-P
My personal life? A roller coaster. I won't lie. Having two littles, working full time, managing a Saldy, the latter usually refers to things that cannot be crossed off my proverbial "to do" list that I put too much stock into. (Incidentally, yes, I did finish my 175 mile challenge this morning with a nice, easy 8 mile run).
household, and trying to maintain family, friend, and romance, has been super tough. There are some things I am proud of accomplishing, some not so much.
Change for 2017? I'm not sure. I do resolve to make more time for the things that matter and discard the things that don't. To be honest with people when they ask my opinion rather than being passive aggressive privately (Hello, I'm a Libra, nice to meet you). And here's the toughie - to truly remember - not my circus, not my monkeys, is a wonderful motto. Goodness knows I have enough on my plate and would be a better friend, partner, and mom if I stopped picking up other people's messes. Hah. Remind me about that one in a month....
To 2017. A year to remember what really matters. And the hell with the rest (sorta).
Whats on your list for 2017? Are you glad to see this year go?
I wish everyone a happy, healthy, fufilling New Year and as always - thank you for reading my rambling :-)

It also brought the end of a quest I've been pursuing for 5 years. I finally broke 4 hours in the marathon on my third try. It was tough, and quite a bit of work. And I'm super proud of it. I feel like my running took a turn this year - a turn for the better. I've been spending more time on the treadmill, getting runs done quicker and more expediently - due to necessity. And it's paid off in spades. I can't wait to see what 2017 brings. I'm thinking of focusing on breaking my half PR and my 5k PR, and perhaps looking at a half iron. Taking a rest from ultras for a year, for sure!!
Work wise, it was the most stressful, exhausting, yet rewarding year. Working from home was a whole different animal - I adore the flexibility, but it also consumes more of my overall life. My choice? I don't know. There have been some pretty big changes put into a 3 year plan, for which I'll stay mum until they come to fruition, but it makes me love my job, get stressed about my job, and put way too much emotion into my job than is probably necessary. Refer to paragraph 3 - thank you, work, for
making me a better runner due to stress :-P
My personal life? A roller coaster. I won't lie. Having two littles, working full time, managing a Saldy, the latter usually refers to things that cannot be crossed off my proverbial "to do" list that I put too much stock into. (Incidentally, yes, I did finish my 175 mile challenge this morning with a nice, easy 8 mile run).
household, and trying to maintain family, friend, and romance, has been super tough. There are some things I am proud of accomplishing, some not so much.
Change for 2017? I'm not sure. I do resolve to make more time for the things that matter and discard the things that don't. To be honest with people when they ask my opinion rather than being passive aggressive privately (Hello, I'm a Libra, nice to meet you). And here's the toughie - to truly remember - not my circus, not my monkeys, is a wonderful motto. Goodness knows I have enough on my plate and would be a better friend, partner, and mom if I stopped picking up other people's messes. Hah. Remind me about that one in a month....
To 2017. A year to remember what really matters. And the hell with the rest (sorta).
Whats on your list for 2017? Are you glad to see this year go?
I wish everyone a happy, healthy, fufilling New Year and as always - thank you for reading my rambling :-)