So, apparently I am the slackiest slacker for race reports post Texas - lets see - uh - 3 weeks ago, I did a lil Olympic local race. Whoops. I'm fully aware that most of you use this as a mechanism for insomnia, but for the sake of shits and giggles, I like telling stories anyways :) Let's roll!
The Keuka Lake Tri is an awesome local race located in Penn Yan, about an hour away. It was a mainstay for us back in the beginning days, but the last time i raced it was 2019 - and the last time I did the Oly was prep for Ironman Lake Placid 2018. Seems like a lifetime ago - and it basically was!
New management took over the race last year - my buddy Joe, who also runs Peasantman, and was clearly out for the lease on Keuka Lake - which is fine by me! He asked me to be part of his "First Knight" racing team as a nod to his medieval theme, and I was so down to do it! Put me in a kit and direct me toward your start line - I can't promise anything serious but I will sure have fun and smile the whole way!Pre Race was pretty uneventful - I helped prep the day before, then Greg and i got up at o dark thirty to travel to the race. Typical me, I set up shop then threw a party, finding all my like minded crazy people and giving out hugs, high fives and celebrating like the party it was. Oh we were here to race? My bad. I'll never learn or change, and am totally fine with that. I got to hang out with a few of my awesome athletes, my coach (who keeps trying to keep my eye on the prize, god help him), my old training buddies, and a few new people! A few girls caught up with me to say hello and thank them for helping them through their first tri back in 2021, which is always so cool to hear - we are such a fun family as triathletes and when people have a good time and good experience and come back for more, it makes me smile!
As always, the run is my fave! I grabbed my water bottle, shucked my tri top and was off! (Running in a sports bra is just hands down the best, and if the rules allow it, I'm down.) I had zero idea where I was in the shake up, but was pretty sure I was 4th woman. The course was tough as we were mixed with the sprint folks, and no one had body marking, so hey, this is what we do. I saw my old coach heading in from lap one (dude smoked me on the swim and bike, as usual), and a bunch of RATs I danced with. My athlete and friend Maria was at the turnaround (this was a 2 looper out and back) so I danced and high fived her. My goal for the run was to be consistent and pick it up if I could - I was averaging about 7:15-7:20 for the first loop and it felt great. As I hit the second loop one of the spectators commented "You're just gonna run down the field, aren't you?" And I laughed and said - I'm trying!
I'll admit, loop 2 was a challenge, but my mantra during the run (and actually, the whole race) is to just have fun and give it my all. Hit the vollies at the turnaround and danced and high fived and they laughed and said - there she is - smiling again! Bet your ass I am. I ran down two women in the second lap that I thought were in the Oly (I was right) and the second pass was with a mile to go, so I hit the gas!! Passed my crew that did the sprint on the way in, swapped high fives, and ran it in for a time of 2:40 - and a 10k time that was faster than my standalone 10k 3 weeks ago (I am such a triathlete LOL)
Post Race
Post race was just a continuation of the giant party - I came in 2nd female, and since 1st place female won OVERALL, I couldn't be grumpy about it (Go Blair!) 2:40 was about 3 minutes of my Oly PR, which is soft, but since I don't race them that often, I wasn't upset. We stayed for the awards, caught up with our peoples, and called it a day.
Overall, a decent race - I need to work on Open Water swimming and biking hills and I know this, and I'm cool with it. Since Texas, I haven't done a crazy amount of focused work, and I'm at peace with it. When I toe the line at a race, I always try to give it all I've got, but they aren't all A races - and this was not. It was a Sunday among good friends, doing what we love best - and sometimes, that IS the goal!
Up next - Musselman Half Ironman on July 9. What's the goal here? Darned if I know, but we will soon fund out!