And here we are, with our weekly installment of holy shit, Rae's still running. And likes to talk about it. What else is new. I apologize in advance for wasting 5 minutes of your day, but hey, I appreciate the fan club. I'll remember you when I'm famous for god knows what.
This was a step back week for me, which means little except the volume of the long run was decreased slightly. Most standard plans give you an actual recovery week, Hanson posits you are a toughidiot badass and don't need one. While I felt a little off a few weeks ago, this week I was raring to go after my long run success of week 9. On the books for the week included back to back 10 milers at an 8:50 pace, 3 easy runs, and a 7-8 mile tempo run.
I learned a few things during this 7 day stretch, namely that I fail at nailing a long run pace outside, regardless of whether or not I run solo. My 10 milers clocked in at an 8:19 pace and an 8:18 pace respectively, a good 30 seconds plus faster than prescribed. This is why I treadmill run (reason zillion) - I can control the pace. But when the temps are in the mid 30s and sunny in February, you pull on your tights and get outside. I'm just really glad I don't really train with the Hanson brothers, as their philosophy is to dole out push ups to runners that complete the runs faster than the pace prescribed. Looks like I owe them about 400 push ups. Yikes.
My tempo run also clocked in at a faster than prescribed pace, but thankfully I have runner's ego to blame for that one. My plan asked for 7-8 miles at an 8:10 pace. I did this run with The Banter, a local triathlete who bosses me around at the pool (don't kid yourself, I ask for it and basically seek him out for said bossiness).
Despite our repertoire of 99% sarcasm, we actually push each other pretty well and I'm glad to have him as a training partner and friend. We did 7 miles together for a shared tempo run and hit the overall pace well, though the four middle miles clocked in at 7:31, 7:35, 7:25 and 7:15 - all of which are either at my mile repeat pace or slightly faster. Whoops. Never underestimate the power of not looking like a wuss during a tempo run - he kicked my ass and it was great! This was an awesome boost for me, as I have a 5 mile race coming up and would love to smash a 7:30 pace overall. I also think I need to revisit my speed work paces - clearly I am not giving myself enough credit!
The rest of the weeks runs were pretty spot on - I still can't find recovery pace like they want me to, but aim for a 9 minute mile, which seems like a good compromise (actual recovery pace - 9:15). I got in two good swims and two good bikes, which helped with the recovery and tri-base. I even did some yoga (or someone stole my garmin and uploaded the stats. I'm gonna go with that).
Week 10 mileage:
Running: 48.6 (WTF is that)
Biking: 30
Swimming: 4900 yd
Up next is a pretty heavy duty week - mile repeats, two 8 mile tempo runs, and a 16 mile long run (where we will not attempt to break my half PR again...and I so am not crossing my fingers behind my back).
6 weeks till show time...getting excited!
This was a step back week for me, which means little except the volume of the long run was decreased slightly. Most standard plans give you an actual recovery week, Hanson posits you are a tough
I learned a few things during this 7 day stretch, namely that I fail at nailing a long run pace outside, regardless of whether or not I run solo. My 10 milers clocked in at an 8:19 pace and an 8:18 pace respectively, a good 30 seconds plus faster than prescribed. This is why I treadmill run (reason zillion) - I can control the pace. But when the temps are in the mid 30s and sunny in February, you pull on your tights and get outside. I'm just really glad I don't really train with the Hanson brothers, as their philosophy is to dole out push ups to runners that complete the runs faster than the pace prescribed. Looks like I owe them about 400 push ups. Yikes.
My tempo run also clocked in at a faster than prescribed pace, but thankfully I have runner's ego to blame for that one. My plan asked for 7-8 miles at an 8:10 pace. I did this run with The Banter, a local triathlete who bosses me around at the pool (don't kid yourself, I ask for it and basically seek him out for said bossiness).
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The Banter doesn't do selfies, so I had to improvise. |
The rest of the weeks runs were pretty spot on - I still can't find recovery pace like they want me to, but aim for a 9 minute mile, which seems like a good compromise (actual recovery pace - 9:15). I got in two good swims and two good bikes, which helped with the recovery and tri-base. I even did some yoga (or someone stole my garmin and uploaded the stats. I'm gonna go with that).
Week 10 mileage:
Running: 48.6 (WTF is that)
Biking: 30
Swimming: 4900 yd
Up next is a pretty heavy duty week - mile repeats, two 8 mile tempo runs, and a 16 mile long run (where we will not attempt to break my half PR again...and I so am not crossing my fingers behind my back).
6 weeks till show time...getting excited!