Winding down from a terrific but busy weekend here
Of course, the highlight of the show was my cousin Karen’s wedding yesterday….what a great time! The bride was gorgeous, the groom handsome, both very much in love, and we all had a great time and danced our butts off…the rain even held until after the outdoor ceremony!
Me and the hubster! (Yes, he planned his outfit based off mine). We’re silly guys like that
What a great day
Of course, saving the best shot for last….this one really takes the cake
You see, for our wedding a few years ago, we got our cake at a place that didn’t deliver, so my wonderful cousin offered to bring it to the wedding. What we didn’t know was that it came in 3 pieces, so she had to put it together…which she did wonderfully…and a bit lopsided
The hubster’s fam apparently has history with sliding cakes, so it was quite perfect without her even knowing that, but also pretty hilarious!
Glaser wedding cake ala 2009 (after obligatory cake smushing-oh yes we did!)
Good times, good times! The rest of the weekend was pretty much focused on training….I did a super legit 80 mile ride yesterday and a 15 minute T run off the bike-yay! Unfortunately, the dancing last night, high heels and super rich food really caught up with me this morning on my run….so I chopped it a bit and did 12 quality miles rather than 15 junk ones! Hey, I CAN be taught
rest of the day includes some house cleaning, cookie baking, and watching Harry Potter 7 (yep, I’m a nerd. I really need to have some turds to justify my taste in movies
) Have a great night, everyone!

The Happy couple….
Me and the hubster! (Yes, he planned his outfit based off mine). We’re silly guys like that

Bride and Groom’s first dance….awwww
Dancing queens! Go Mama TFB!

Glaser wedding cake ala 2009 (after obligatory cake smushing-oh yes we did!)
Me “helping” Karen and Tom’s cake have a bit more character (no I didn’t really

Good times, good times! The rest of the weekend was pretty much focused on training….I did a super legit 80 mile ride yesterday and a 15 minute T run off the bike-yay! Unfortunately, the dancing last night, high heels and super rich food really caught up with me this morning on my run….so I chopped it a bit and did 12 quality miles rather than 15 junk ones! Hey, I CAN be taught

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