Yay Friday!!! What are your plans for the weekend?
It's a busy weekend at the Glaser casa...tomorrow we have a wedding to go to (my cousin's) which should be alot of fun! It's also the Gananda garage sale weekend, which means about 100 garage sales in our little village all at once. The hubster and I aren't participating, but we might do some walking around on Sunday to find treasures! The meat and potatoes of the weekend is (of course) training-we are both on build weeks, so on Saturday I have an 80 mile ride and a 30 minute T run off the bike, and Sunday is a 16 mile run.
I love training weekends like this....speed is not my thing, endurance is.
However, with the longer rides (80 miles takes me about 4.5 to 5 hours depending on terrain) there are a few things to think about. The obvious, of course...nutrition (I'm a big fan of solid foods...if I can manage it, I will have a pb sammie cut into pieces, some pretzels, and a bar on a long ride...during a race I do mini bars, gu's and dried fruit)...hydration....I have THE BEST water bottle ever....it's technically called an aqua cell...the hubster and I call it the dork bottle (such a long story short-when I first used it, I thought it looked dorky, but i hate hate grabbing bottles off cages....however, it was totally cool once I figured out the pro's use these bottles :-P). I usually go through my aqua cell twice over on a long ride (I put extra water bottles in my cages and refill)-I'm so old fashioned....I use water and sometimes mix it up with nuun. No cool sports drinks for me! Extra nutrition consideration on hot days includes salt tabs and extra fluids of course :-D
Other things to consider over the span of 5 hours: clothing, sunscreen, flat fixers, cell phone in case I get lost! and pre planning for a suitable loop or ride terrain.
However....the most important part, aside from all that....is butter. Yup, butt-er. You see, I love my bike to pieces. However, the saddle does not love my tush as much as I love it. Even though the hubster gave me the best triathletes christmas prezzie ever (well, ok, aside from an entry to Kona), sometimes spending 5 hours in it is not the best thing ever!
What's a triathlete to do? (Blame nataliedee for this post, ok?) Current tools in my arsenal:
Vaseline. This stuff rocks. I use it for the saddle issue, for any other chaffage (arms usually) and for in a pinch lip gloss (not AFTER the aforementioned, sillies!). It works. It's cheap. Winner.
Beaudraux Butt Paste. Aside from the smell (can you say diaper butt?), this stuff rocks my world. Still pretty cheap. Works great. Plus it's got a funny name. hey, I'm not trying to impress :-D
Aquaphor. I've only got this off race samples, but it works much like Vaseline. Plus, it's small. And free. What more could you want?
So....now that I've given you way much information about bike ails, I hope youstill come back to read my blog might have something to work with should you decide to go for an afternoon ride, especially as the weather gets nicer! Enjoy your Saturday, friends, and stay tuned for some wedding photos tomorrow!
What's on tap for everyone the weekend?
It's a busy weekend at the Glaser casa...tomorrow we have a wedding to go to (my cousin's) which should be alot of fun! It's also the Gananda garage sale weekend, which means about 100 garage sales in our little village all at once. The hubster and I aren't participating, but we might do some walking around on Sunday to find treasures! The meat and potatoes of the weekend is (of course) training-we are both on build weeks, so on Saturday I have an 80 mile ride and a 30 minute T run off the bike, and Sunday is a 16 mile run.
I love training weekends like this....speed is not my thing, endurance is.
Strong off the bike :-D |
Other things to consider over the span of 5 hours: clothing, sunscreen, flat fixers, cell phone in case I get lost! and pre planning for a suitable loop or ride terrain.
However....the most important part, aside from all that....is butter. Yup, butt-er. You see, I love my bike to pieces. However, the saddle does not love my tush as much as I love it. Even though the hubster gave me the best triathletes christmas prezzie ever (well, ok, aside from an entry to Kona), sometimes spending 5 hours in it is not the best thing ever!
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www.nataliedee.com |
Vaseline. This stuff rocks. I use it for the saddle issue, for any other chaffage (arms usually) and for in a pinch lip gloss (not AFTER the aforementioned, sillies!). It works. It's cheap. Winner.
Beaudraux Butt Paste. Aside from the smell (can you say diaper butt?), this stuff rocks my world. Still pretty cheap. Works great. Plus it's got a funny name. hey, I'm not trying to impress :-D
Aquaphor. I've only got this off race samples, but it works much like Vaseline. Plus, it's small. And free. What more could you want?
So....now that I've given you way much information about bike ails, I hope you
What's on tap for everyone the weekend?
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