Saturday, August 31, 2024

The ROC tri 2024:I don't know about you.....but I'm feelin 22

Two tris in a week? Maybe I need to re-assess this whole "2024 is not the tri year" stance!

Nah, I don't.  I've played this game the last three years - back to back P man and the Roc tri.  Its for a few reasons - both races are so much fun and basically a party to attend, I've been fortunate enough to secure a comp entry, and add in a dash of "why the hell not" and you get your easy answer :)

Last weekend was the Roc tri, a great event put on by the RATS (Rochester Area triathletes) and one I've raced in at least half a dozen times.  I've won it twice (last year a CRAZY 2 second dead on sprint to the finish) and while i knew that wasn't in the cards this year, I love these events so much and any excuse to go play with my friends on the beach (Thanks Jordan!) is a good one to me.

Six days out from P man and with um, another race on my calendar upcoming (spoiler alert), the goal for the Roc was just to spin out my wheels (pun intended) and have fun!

Race morning was perfect - a glass calm lake, easy transition pick up, and just a minor bike mechanical that was easily fixed by the Towpath guys (Thanks Rob!) I headed into transition, set my shit up, then hung out with the best sherpa and all the best friends a girl could ask for. Bear, my boo, marked my calf as a joke, which took me far too long to catch on to #not22 #feelin22 #morelike42  We danced, laughed, caught up, and had so much fun I almost missed the call to the race start.  Whoops.  #soseriousrae

Swim: 14:43 (1:54yd)

The swim for the sprint was an easy out and back with a short turn around - basically you could touch sand the whole time.  I set no records (duh) and expended zero energy on the swim, save for a few minutes in the beginning just getting used to the water because I didn't warm up (totally on me).  I exited the water with a smile on my face (I KNOW) and ran up the hill and toward my bike!

Bike: 36:02 (20.0 mph)

I really do love this bike course - I helped craft it in 2022.  Its totally closed to cars, a 6 mile loop that has enough rollers and one hill to keep you honest, but enough downhill to be fun and carry you through.  The course is super spectator friendly, so my support got to see me four times (and during the mount line for way the fuck too luong because apparently, I'm even cooler when people are watching me #mountlinefail).  Aside from taking way too long to clip in (the mount line was really short and narrow with gravel sides, and I even saw some "pros" look a little wobbly) the bike was pretty awesome.  I never felt like I had any serious speed, but I was able to push it in spots and enjoy the free speed downhill. 

 It was awesome to see my course support all over the damned place, and aside from some bar tape that managed to unravel like an 8 year olds streamer on a bike, the ride was awesome (that has to count for at least 1 mph right??  LOL)

Run: 23:06 (7:28/mi)

Zooming into T2, I wasn't sure how far back I was from the leaders, but I knew at least one woman was in front of me - again, a swimmer I always run out of road for (do we sense a theme, Rae? LOL).  I just grabbed my shit and RAN!  

This run course is probably hands down my favorite local tri run, and it has zero to do with the layout and everything to do with the fact that is SUCH a damned party.  On my way out, I saw the super fast guys, including Jordan, Scott, Marcus and Ryan, who were hauling ass and making it look good!!  I didn't see another woman until I saw Sue about 2 minutes ahead, which I expected - she swims way faster than me and also is a stronger cyclist this year and as always, my run legs cant catch that - at least not this year! :-P

I high fived, danced, and had a great time while hitting a nice tempo speed, which is about all my legs gave me, considering I had run 16 miles just two days before (why, Rae?  That's a great question and we can talk about that shortly LOL).  Heading into the last quarter mile I saw the sherpa and got a "hey, try running why don't ya " and for the second time in two years, flipped the bird as I laughed into the finish line.

Post race, we hung around and caught up, and waited for awards - I snagged 3rd overall female (the womans winner started a few minutes back, which is the one bummer of a rolling start). I was pleased with the race - tall 3 disciplines were executed well given the fitness I had, and I honestly got what I deserved.  My overall time of 1:17 is 3 minutes off my PR, and for a year of little tri training, I will take it.

2025.  Ill be back.

So wjhats next?  A 5k on September 1 at my alma mater, SUNY Geneseo, which is purely for kicks and to help out Road Kill, and then....well...

A marathon.  Next weekend.  In Seattle.  Because why would I do smart things??  Stay tuned!!

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