Monday, May 14, 2012

Him Week 9: Livin on a Prayer

Ohhhh, we're halfway theeerrreee...ohh oh!  Livin' on a prayer! (cue the cheese.  sorry, I'm a bit sleep deprived).
Is my Half Ironman training really half over?  And I'm running my first half marathon of the season in 13 days?  Crap!  Where has the time gone??
Well, first things first.  I'll be really glad next week when I can stop "marrying" these two training plans-I think I overdid it a bit for a "year off" and will be glad to go back to the HIM plan (basically, I've been adding a speed and tempo run every week to he Half Iron plan-it's not a huge volume increase, but my body really responds well to 2-3 runs per week, not 4.)
As far as HIM training goes....I'm sort of ambivalent.  Why? Well, let's do numbers.  Then I'll wax poetic.  You know I can, too.
The Stats

Pumped up (new) kicks!
Swim: 5500 yards (2 swims)
Bike: 125 miles ( 3 rides)
Run: 25 miles ( 3 runs)
Extra cardio: 4k rowing, 1 hour P90x
Strength: 2 full body, 2 abs sessions
Week Low:
Week High:  40 mile ride on Saturday-I hit up the Musselman course and averaged 18.8 for 40 miles (which, on the computrainer is pretty tough....there are a few hills (mile 12-17 and 32-38) that just do not exist on the real course!)  Still, I would rather train on harder "terrain" than on race day!
High #2:  P90x plyos workout.  I took the day off from running (which I thought was smart, hah!) and decided to do an at home workout in case I needed to bail because of my foot.  Enter in the 60 minute P90x plyometric DVD.  Holy hell, did I hurt so good for 2 days after that workout!  Sane people would call that bad.  I say-I need to do that DVD weekly!
Week Low:  Yesterday's run (12 miles).  It wasn't terrible, but I know for a fact now that I need to revise my Buffalo goal.  I ran from Gananda to Webster, picked a somewhat hilly route, and tried to run "race pace" (which is super hard to do in training, but I tried).  I did pretty well until about mile 9, when I lost it.  The run wasn't too bad- 1:45 for a bit more than 12 miles, or, 8:40 pace.  But not a sub 1:50 pace.  Now, granted, there were a few variables-no water (I generally don't carry it-I usually run loops for that's just a preference) and I chose yesterday to break in my new Asics 2160s.  I know, it's a stupid move.  But I like to break them in on a long run to see how they feel at their "worst".  But, to yesterday's credit, the weather was perfect.  So, with that in mind, I'm going to create a new set of goals for Buffalo.  Which is okay.  But I am somewhat bummed.
Now, it's time to wax poetic.  I'm not sure what's in the water this year, but it seems as if everyone got the memo that it's an "off" year.  Some of my friends are injured.  I think I know 6 people doing an Ironman (as opposed to several dozen last year).  The hubster hasn't even signed up for any races yet!  And I'm....just kinda bobbin' along.  Not really getting anywhere.  Running 13 in two weeks doesn't concern me.  70.3 in 9 weeks either.  I've been there, done the dance.  And I love it.  But...somethings missing this year.  I love working out, but I think I'm just not pushing myself this year.  I still have some winter "padding", but I keep eating cookies.  I'm not swimming as fast but I'm opposing speed work like a kid who thinks they can cram for a history final the night before.  And I'm so effin tired lately, it doesn't take much for me to want to skip a workout (though I'm trying not to). 
What gives?  Should I just stop trying so hard and really "play" this year?  PR's are awesome, but I'm not out to win anything, so why do I push myself so hard all the damn time?  Food for thought.  I really have no answers here, but if anyone else has thoughts, I would love to hear them.  Maybe a 4 year stretch of ramping up distance has shot my body and I need to take up yoga and 5ks.  (Note-there is nothing wrong with either one of those!  I'm just addicted to distance like a hormonal woman is to chocolate.  Mmmmm...chocolate).  Ahem.
Well, Ive got some time to figure it out.  Thanks for listening, random Internet friends.  You guys are awesome. 
Not too shabby. Comin up next week-the first brick!  Oh joy.  Let's hope I can light a fire under it!!

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