
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Number two is TWO!

What a title.  I'm sorry, I just can't even.  I looked up and here it is, 8 days post Bizzle B day and I haven't posted - what is up with me?  (Besides tendonitis, a huge event for work, and a party for my kiddo).  Lame, Rae, lame.  So, per excuse 1, we gonna keep the words brief and the pics abundant.  Happy birthday, baby (not so baby girl!!)

One week old

One year old!

My big two year old!

Size - 27 pounds.  Baby girl, you eat ALL THE THINGS.  All of them.  Especially the meat, eggs and cheese.  You may be your mommy's girl in some respects, but that ain't it....

Likes: You adore giraffes.  Ice cream (AHH KEEM).  Your swing set.  Dancing.  Hanging out with Rob (and copying everything he does!)  Being a daredevil- nothing scares you (OMG Biz).  Watching the Babies (Word Party) and "Shiny" (just the song). Waking up at 4am (Bizzzzz)

Dislikes: Sleeping alone (I hear ya kid).  When Rob won't play with you (sometimes, you are a pain.  I won't lie). Having your hair washed or combed (did someone say tomboy??)

Sleep: Yeah.  We will just skip right over this one, babes.  You have a few good nights (they are all at Gramma's house) but it seems you know your parents are suckers.  At 10pm.  At midnight. At 3am.  At 4:30.  Elisabeth Jennifer, I have not SLEPT IN 5 YEARS.  But I love you.  It's a darn good thing I do.

Eating: All the things.  Every. Little. Thing.  COOOOOKIES, Ah KEEM, eggos, 'cakes (pancakes), cheese, apples, peanuts, pretzes, popkin, chicken, trees (broc)- you love it.  You are a human garbage disposal and I hope you keep it up!!!

Running - you ran your first kids race and love it!  You are so cute when you run, arms a kimbo.
Big girl bed- we outted that crib a few months back.
Counting to 10 (people cannot believe you are only two)
Plane ride - to Kansas and Missouri!  You go girl!
Riding your trike - You love trying to catch Rob

Probably more, but those are the biggest :)

Best Moment: You everyday 'mooches.  You give the best hugs and smooches and are such a little love.  Aww Biz, I am so lucky to have such a wonderful kiddo.

Looking Forward to: Our family trip to Maine next month, Halloween, the best Christmas ever, and experiencing every little day with you and your brother - you two are are simply the best kids a mom could ever ask for and I love you!!

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