
Thursday, November 24, 2016

All the Love in the world

Happy Thanksgiving!  We are up bright and early here, kids playing, mom sipping hazelnut java....the perfect holiday morning (for at least 5 seconds) so I thought I would pop in and say hello!!  It's a day to be amazed at how wonderful your life really is (yeah, I threw in some Capra) and to be so thankful for those things that you often overlook in the rush rush of everyday living.  It's easy to just make an assumption that people really know how you feel about them - today is the day to give extra hugs and love, to spend time with those we cherish, and sure, why not, to throw some pie in there too.

We are lucky enough to have my in-laws with us this week (outlaws?) so today will be filled with a little extra love, snuggles, laughs, and crazy.  Greg and I plan to run a 10k together this morning, then spend the afternoon at our aunt's house, with all of our family - plenty of food, WINE, love, jokes, and imperfect perfections.  God I love my family.

Today I am so incredibly thankful for....

My kids.  I adore you Rob and Biz - even though I never sleep, i appreciate the opportunity to be your mom 24/7 - really, you're just making sure I get the full experience :-)  I love your crazy, your wonder, your adventure, and most of all, when you snuggle up against me super tight and love me up like no one else can.

My husband.  Through this crazy stretch of life's road we are on....I would rather "run" it with no one else.  God bless the broken road....that lead me straight to you.  I adore you.  (for 46 more years).

My mom.  No one else could ever take your place.  You are amazing, loving, and such a wonderful gramma to both your grandkids.  I truly couldn't do it without you.

My wonderful family.  Gruncle, Dad, GG, Karen, Tom, Kathy, Lisa, Lisa (not a typo!), Amy, Michelle, Howie,  Sue, Margie, Noah, John, Megan, Aunt Diana, Royer, Abby and anyone else I neglected in my 5am haze...I love you.  Our holidays, our every days.....truly are so special to me.  So blessed to have such a crazy amazing family.

My friends.  All of the old and the have been there for me through thick and thin, through sleepless nights and mind hazy days....with wine, coffee, off color jokes and love.  I adore you!!!

My Mary Poppins.  I could not do it without you.  You are just simply supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.  100% straight up amazed at how wonderful your presence and inclusion in our family has been.  You are stuck with us for life.

My insane co workers.  Through some pretty insane times in 2016....Jerry, Pam, Ryan and guys have been the best team I could ask for.  No other team I have been part of has cared so much not only about our work but about everyone as people.  You are the best "work family" I could ever ask for.  No poo about it.

It really is a wonderful life when you think about it.  I'm so thankful for my home.  Our neighborhood.  My ability to shuck all responsibility and go run for an hour...or 4.  My job.  Our
ability to pay the bills and put food on the table.

I am such a lucky woman.  I hope everyone else is truly as blessed as I am today.  I wish everyone the happiest and most wonderful day ever.  I am so thankful for you, my readers!

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