
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Week 28: Mousekatools!

2.5 months (ish) to go...holy cow!!  I'm at that stage of pregnancy right now where I feel like I've been pregnant forever but at the same time I can't believe we will be meeting our little nugget in about 2 months!!  It's been quite the week at the Glaser casa - Rob turned two and we had a great Mickey Mouse Birthday party for him (details coming soon)....then I decided to go and get an infection from  my poison Ivy right before leaving for a business trip (first time away from the boys for more than a day!) and of course in the 48 hours Mommy is gone, Rob gets actually sick for the first time :-(  Nothing worse than being away from your sick kiddo when all you want to do is hold him.  I'll be so glad to get home to him!!  But, in the midst of all of it, our little nugs is going strong, kicking up a storm and taking DC by the horns with Momma!  So what's up this week?....

Your Baby: Week 28
By this week, your baby weighs 2 1/4 pounds (about the size of a stuffed Mickey Mouse!) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels.
She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

Total Weight Gain: Up 15 pounds this week. One pound a week, right on target!  Go Nugget!

My Body:  It's probably best we don't talk about it.  I have the Ivy EVERYWHERE and sadly, I think my arm might be infected.  All the swimming, calamine and benadryl are just not soon as I get back to NY, we're calling the docs.  Lame.

Cravings: Chicken and banana chips.  Weirdness.  Also, lemonade has become my best friend.  Nom nom nom.

Aversions: Poison Ivy.  Taxis (holy crap they drive like hell).  Humidity.  And sadly, this week, running.  Hopefully week 29 gets better!!!

Sleep: Fuhgeddaboutit.  Up hourly, taking a hot shower in the middle of the night.  I know labor is a zillion times worse, but do we really have to test that theory right now?  Yes?  Fine.  They owe me a Rob 2.0 birth then :-P

Baby Items Bought/Received: Nada.  Dare I say I think we are almost ready, "stuff" wise?

Best Baby Moment: Little Nugget is really giving me the ole shoulder rub lately!  Nothing crazy, but almost constant movement.  He/She does an awesome job resting when the night comes, but is a constant flutter of activity during the day.  Since I've been sitting more during this conference, its even easier to see the movement...go Nuggster, go!

Goals: NO MORE IVY.  And spending some QT with my eldest.  48 hours without Momma is apparently way too much!!

Worries:  Will my arms and legs ever stop looking like an extra from the Creature of the Black Lagoon? Just wondering here....

This Week:
Run: 6 miles
Bike: 94 miles
Swim: 3 miles
Total: 103 miles

To Date:
Run: 305.1 miles
Bike: 1657 miles
Swim: 68.5 miles
Total: 2001.6 miles...or, the distance from Rochester NY to Las Vegas.  Hopefully, Nugget has a lucky streak :-)

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