
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Week 23: Dancing Queen! ...or King...

Guess what we've got this week?  dancin' babies!  It seems that not only is Baby G rockin out in my tummy (oh yeah, we've got belly movement this week!) but also that the baby can feel it when I dance.  Now, I really do dance like a white girl, but we have a trip planned to Nashville's to get our country groove on tomorrow night, so we can call this a growing experience as well, right?  Right!  Don't worry, Greg and I will stay away from the lambada.... :-P

Your Pregnancy: Week 23
Turn on the radio and sway to the music. With her sense of movement well developed by now, your baby can feel you dance. And now that she's more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (about as much as an eggplant), you may be able to see her squirm underneath your clothes. Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds that your baby's increasingly keen ears pick up are preparing her for entry into the outside world. Loud noises that become familiar now — such as your dog barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner — probably won't faze her when she hears them outside the womb.

Momma's Stats-Week 23

My Body: Up 10 pounds even steven.  9 inches of growth in the tummy area, exactly where it needs to be.  Somehow, I am still able to button my pants.  Don't ask how.  But I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth.  Every day I stare at those maternity pants, wondering when I will need to pull them on...

Cravings: Chicken and cabbage (weird recipe that just works), and tuna fish.  Clearly, this child has no sweet tooth.  I'm not complaining, though...the lack of a sweet tooth is kind of neat to me!

Aversions: Bacon and Ribs.  Oh my word.  I had a little too much fun with Matt's ribs and center cut bacon (ouch that sounded bad) last weekend, and I just do not even want to look at it right now.  Easter should be interesting!!

Sleep: Still not too bad.  I've been super super tired this week, I think a combo of rich food, long hours, and a small bout of sickness that left me couch bound for a day.  I'm not complaining.  I pretty much accept that I won't get any sleep post baby, so I am trying to get as much pre-baby as I can!

Best Baby Moment: Greg and I were just hangin out the other night chatting and I felt some kickin going on.  It was quite a bit stronger than normal, and I glanced down...and saw movement!  Super cool!  No alien feet yet, but this little one really likes to let momma know she/he is a mover and shaker!

Baby Items Bought/Received: We got a few shower gifts this week-an awesome pail of baby bed supplies (with the SOFTEST BLANKET) from two friends at work, and a pair of bedtime
aids from one of my besties from high school, including a lullaby giraffe and a sound and light show frog.  Adorable.  Baby G is already spoiled, and I'm just ducky with it!  We also found a really neat Noah's Ark bookcase on craigslist for $20, and are working on a pickup time for that.  Baby's room is really taking shape!

Iron baby!: In utero travels for week 22...
Swimming: 3.5 miles
Biking: 80 miles
Running: 6 miles

Total =89.5 miles
Cumulative Total (week 19 on) = 402.8 miles...that's about the distance from Rochester to Washington D.C.  Baby's moving up in the world :-)

As an interesting side note, as of this week, if Baby G was born right now, he or she would have a 20% chance of survival.  Not that I would ever want that to happen, but its cool to know that if something happened, our hardy lil one could survive!  For every day he or she stays in utero for the next two months...that rate increases 2%.  Grow baby grow!


  1. Rae, Glad you are having such a great time with this- Cannot wait to see you Sunday!

  2. YAY!!! You are looking great! :)
