
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Week 20: "Halfway" There!

It's a big week, folks!  I am now "officially" halfway there!  (well, we hope!)  I realize that's sort of laughable, as the first few weeks don't "count", and the last 20 are much, much different than the first 20.  It's kinda like saying after 6 hours that you're halfway through an Ironman....riiight.  Cause the last part of the bike and marathon are no big thang.  Regardless, in a race, as well as now, we chug along!  You'll be happy to know I am carb loading (lol, kinda) and prepping for this "race" as well as can be.  Yay!  So, what's up with my lil "fruit" this week?.....
Your Pregnancy: Week 20

Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana. (For the first 20 weeks, when a baby's legs are curled up against his torso and hard to measure, measurements are taken from the top of his head to his bottom — the "crown to rump" measurement. After 20 weeks, he's measured from head to toe.) Size wise, the baby is the size of a cantaloupe!
He's swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his digestive system. He's also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in his bowels, and you'll see it in his first soiled diaper (some babies pass meconium in the womb or during delivery).

Holy heck.  I really can't believe there's a cantaloupe in my tummy!  I kinda look down and just go...where the heck is it?  But then I think about what I used to look like and....yeah.  I can believe it :-)  Big ultrasound this week....I can't wait to show you all new pictures!!

My Body: We're growing-both me and baby!  (Funny how that works, huh? ha).  Up 8 pounds this week, and just for fun, 7 inches in the waist since week 5.  Since I have heard (okay, a ridiculous amount) "Are you sure you're pregnant?  Really?" and way too much chatter about my weight....guys.  I swear I am.  I'm eating.  I'm gaining right along schedule.  It's all good.  In case you don't believe me...check it out....
Week 5- the day we found out!
Week 20-I'd say there's a somethin baking!!
Yeah. That's a baby.  Really :-)  It's all between my boobs and waistband.  Ohhhh Baby!

Cravings: I feel like we get little variations, but the root stays the same.  This week I am obsessed with string cheese (which was BOGO at Tops-score!) and pears.  Oh, nummy.  Ill cut up a big juicy pear and have a string cheese for an evening snack.  Delicious.  Sweet, salty, savory and covers all my bases.  Sweet!
Aversions: Peanut butter.  Really can't deal with it this week.  I still am not a fan of all the usual suspects, but this is the biggie this week.  It's funny, because apparently little g can "taste" what I feed it this week, and the food they suggest a taste for is bananas.  Sorry, kid.  You can get your potassium with some taters instead.
Sleep:  Pregnant women's dreams are the stuff of soap operas.  I am deeply ashamed to see some people that I know right now because of how they have appeared in my dreams!  Do I want to know what they mean?  Nah....not really. 
Baby Items Bought/Received: Finished off the registry (as of Friday, just a few more pieces to "nail down").  Greg and I went to a consignment sale this weekend that was kinda cool.  The prices were high, so we mostly scored $1 clothes that we rummaged around to find.  We got a turtle rattle and a few onesies (super adorable turtle and big clothes) and had a great time.
Nursery in progress "staged" -with a "dad" prop :-P
Best Baby Moment: Pretty sure this will be tomorrow-20 week ultrasound, baby! Also to note that I can feel the baby every day now.  It's most active at night, but I feel some niggles every once in awhile during the day!
Worries: I know that the evidence is there-feeling the baby, growing tummy, gaining weight....but it's still nerve wracking to know that it's been 11 weeks since we've "seen" the baby.  I am nervous for tomorrow like any momma is nervous-you always want to make sure things are okay and you won't know for sure until you see that little one on the screen!!
Iron baby!:  Here's a new one for us :-)  I've decided it will be fun to track and see how far baby g goes "in utero".  Each week, I'll total my swim bike and run miles up and then at the them all to see how far they went!  Cool?  Cool.  I was sort of thinking of an "ironman a month" challenge, but I know I s/B/R more than that.  However, I don't really want to pigeonhole myself into certain where baby wants to go, baby goes.  Cool?  Cool.  So we've got 21(ish) week, based off the fact that I'll share last weeks numbers with you.....what do you think?  "Where" can my baby go in 21 weeks?
Here are week 19's numbers!
Swimming:  3.5 miles
Biking:  105 miles
Running:  10 miles
Total = 115.3 miles
Pretty steady week of "training" for my little one!

Stay tuned for baby pics in week 21.....can't wait to see this nugget!

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