
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Foiled Again

Well, apparently, I shouldn't speak so I was writing yesterday's blog post, we lost power!  Lights flickered a few times....then...gone.  Meh.  I didn't mind so much (the house wasn't that cold, and we had candles and flashlights ready) but we really didn't expect to lose power so quickly! (#warmdinnerfail).  Hey, I suppose there are worse things.   The hubs and I dined on cold chicken fingers and salad, played gin rummy, and chatted about nonsense while the storm raged on.  Not bad at all.  This morning, the power was back on!
On to today.  Aside from a bit of wind, Sandy has run it's course.  Whew.  I got into work early, busted out 4 hours worth of work, and headed to the gym to do some 400 repeats.  Bam.  Or....not.  So, when I packed my bag last night in the dark, I forgot something rather integral.  I can do without socks....or a bra (wear my swimsuit)...a top (run in sports bra)....and I've even done "intervals" on the elliptical sans sneakers.  But.....what does one do when they forget shorts? Face palm. Not into underwear runs at the gym, and I think my fellow exercisers support that.  So, with my run foiled, I did the next best thing.  I pulled out my swimsuit, hopped in the pool and proceeded to do 2 minutes all out pool running with 90 sec. recovery x 10.  With warm up and cool down, a nice 45 minute simulation of my planned speed work.  Hey, I don't give up.  We don't do "foil"ed round this joint.
Unless it's for dinner.  Cause even us Polish folk get sick of cabbage rolls.
And anything foil wrapped is bound to be delicious (when you have power, that is)

Cabbage with Pizzaz (adapted from Hungry Girl)

1/2 cabbage, quartered
6 slices turkey bacon
2 tbsp maple syrup
1 tsp. garlic powder
2 tsp slivered ginger
dash of salt and pepper

This is one of those "so darn simple that I feel silly writing it out" recipes.  Rip off a piece of foil, about 18 inches long.  Line up the cabbage quarters.  Layer bacon slices over the cabbage.  Top with ginger.  Drizzle with the syrup, and sprinkle salt, pepper and garlic powder evenly over the cabbage.  Bake in the oven, covered, for 40 minutes.  Uncover and broil for an additional 2 minutes to get some of that melty, caramelized, goodness.  Serves 2 as a pretty tasty side dish!

I paired the cabbage with some turkey chorizo-nom nom nom.  Much better dinner tonight than last night.  Sometimes being foiled can be a good thing!

Except for when working out.  I have a spare running outfit in the car now, ready to bring to work for those "oops" moments.  I know, I know.  First world problems.  Hey, we all have 'em :-)


  1. Glad your safe! Now if I could just substitute that maple syrup for someting sugarfree that would be the perfect dinner for Dianne and I! I woulder if McCormick maple flavoring would work?

    1. How about sugar free maple syrup? That would work!!
