
Friday, October 12, 2012

Five things Friday

Hey hey and happy we-got-through-another-week day!  I hope your Friday is going splendidly and you weren't too ill last night from the mudslinging on TV aka the debate.  Two thoughts about it, then I'll shut up.
1.  Joe Biden came off as the total politician grandpa.  Not sure if that's good or bad...if he laughed at Ryan one more time I was going to punch him, but his thoughts on the economy and abortion really resonated.
2.  Paul Ryan looks like a damned boy scout.  I think he might secretly be 17. 
That is all.  Enough of the hot spot.Well...I know its a day for a short story....but I started it a bit late and have run out of creative juice.  Look out tomorrow for the regularly scheduled Friday matchstick....aptly named "The Great Debate"!

But hey. Since it's Friday, and it's been awhile, how bout  a rousing rendition of "Five Things Friday"?  Cause there's some pretty cool stuff going around the inter webs I know you might be interested in.....

1.  I HAVE MY OWN DOMAIN!!  Sweet!  The hubster decided to be an awesome pants kinda guy and registered me for 2 years at  No more blogspot!  Woohoooo!!  I guess since the blog is almost 2 years old, it was about time to get serious...well...URL serious, anyways.  You all know I am incapable of any other kinds of serious!
2.  Google images-Just for fun, go to google images and type in "completely wrong".  If you're a Romney fan....I'm sorry.  If you're's (yes) completely wrong, but also completely hilarious!!
3.  And while we're poking fun of the candidates....check out Paul Ryan's newest Time article.....apparently, he's a boy scout who "works out".  Wow.  That is all.  Maybe he can work toward that 2:50 something marathon now....or something like that.  Meme generation and a twitter account for Paul Ryan's bicep have sprung up after this went viral....alll I have to say (and I'm not alone)....Rae (or Mikayla) is NOT impressed.  Stick to your platform, Ryan.  (although he looks better than Joe Biden without a shirt washing his car....YIKES!

4. Enough politics.  But more healthy crap. There's been some awesome deals around the 'nets for racing and gear...check out the saveology waterproof mp3 player deal (if you swim, this is a lifesaver!) And if you're local and thinking about getting muddy...check out this half off deal for a 12k mud run next weekend!  $20 for a 12k run at 10am with free food and a long sleeved tech tee?  I'm in.  (If I can convince my other half!)  Thanks for the birthday gifts, rock!!
5.  This is neither relevant or impressive to anyone but me, but I bought a 4 pound butternut squash at the market today for $1.29.  That's....30 cents a pound!  I'm quite attached to butternut squash fries, but unless I want to turn into a fry, I need to figure something else out to do with it.  Any ideas?

And there you are.  5 things that were big on my Friday.  Have a wonderful evening, friends!

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